WSG pop tonight

Plenty of horde in queue...well over 10. not sure what to say if it isn't popping but there's over 10 horde in queue.
Are we sure there's enough alliance? Given alliance purposely killing queues before I wonder if they can all be trusted that they're really queued. seems like there could be some trolls saying they are but really not
My prevailing theory is this queue bug was there all along but so many queued that it overcame it, just like at 29 (which can sometimes have horrible queues but they always eventually pop). I mean I saw nights where I'd play 3 straight wsg's while 2 guildy's sat and got no 19 pops. Didn't seem to be balance related either as same DPS were in each of my games.

So we no longer overcome due to a bitter group of alliance that killed queues and stopped a ton of ppl queueing every night from queueing anymore...and now when we have 10 each side we can't do it because of queue bug.

Can we wargame tonight? Has to happen without Skype - no MYT member will ever get in Skype with anyone from this bracket. Literally never going to happen.
My prevailing theory is this queue bug was there all along but so many queued that it overcame it, just like at 29 (which can sometimes have horrible queues but they always eventually pop). I mean I saw nights where I'd play 3 straight wsg's while 2 guildy's sat and got no 19 pops. Didn't seem to be balance related either as same DPS were in each of my games.

So we no longer overcome due to a bitter group of alliance that killed queues and stopped a ton of ppl queueing every night from queueing anymore...and now when we have 10 each side we can't do it because of queue bug.

Can we wargame tonight? Has to happen without Skype - no MYT member will ever get in Skype with anyone from this bracket. Literally never going to happen.

It takes like 5 mouse clicks to protect your skype. Either way I don't have time for war games tonight, but i know a lot of people want to
My prevailing theory is this queue bug was there all along but so many queued that it overcame it, just like at 29 (which can sometimes have horrible queues but they always eventually pop). I mean I saw nights where I'd play 3 straight wsg's while 2 guildy's sat and got no 19 pops. Didn't seem to be balance related either as same DPS were in each of my games.

So we no longer overcome due to a bitter group of alliance that killed queues and stopped a ton of ppl queueing every night from queueing anymore...and now when we have 10 each side we can't do it because of queue bug.

Can we wargame tonight? Has to happen without Skype - no MYT member will ever get in Skype with anyone from this bracket. Literally never going to happen.

the que bug is in fact a new thing idk why you'd even suggest it was there all along. NEVER before in my time twinking (or even in my 10 years playing wow in general) have i seen ques pause randomly when solo queing. the only time it ever paused before 6.0 to my knowledge was when someone who you were group qued with would log out without leaving que, and never paused randomly like it currently does. Also pops used to happen when there were like 5ish on for each side (can't remember if it was actually 5 but i'm positive games used to pop with less than 20 people), which i have yet to see at all since wod (it seems it only pops if there's a full game now instead of just enough so it doesn't say not enough players like it used to) so i am fairly confident blizzard changed the queing system somehow without really telling us
By all along I meant it was there when we were getting nightly pops. That's without a doubt true. No idea if it was there prior to me returning in November, and definitely wasn't there years ago before I quit.
So we finally get first pop in forever, and now literally moment after alliance are trying to get people to wargame.

Wow there really is some trash in this bracket. GGS tools.
By all along I meant it was there when we were getting nightly pops. That's without a doubt true. No idea if it was there prior to me returning in November, and definitely wasn't there years ago before I quit.

aha makes more sense now thought you meant since forever or at least a few xpacs back
there were q bugs a few xpacs ago werent there? there was one in cata or wrath i thought
Tonight was a HUGE success, not only did we have 3 competitive pops so far despite the bug but I have been tweeting GMs every step of the way through the Que testing Myself and some others did tonight, Sent them some solid info. Keep it up.
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Fun games tonight so far. Nice seeing some older twinks still around. Also extemely competitive games!

Fun games tonight so far. Nice seeing some older twinks still around. Also extemely competitive games!

The ones that left keep coming back =D
[MENTION=25414]Hiredhit-Scourge[/MENTION] long time no see!
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