WSG Honor Grind?


Hey guys, 100% new to twinking but I'm having a blast gearing this guy up so far! I'm playing a Priest that's currently about 3/4 through 15 and I'm wondering when the best time to grind WSG Rep is? Turning in the tokens is 725xp so with a win, I'm getting about 200 rep with the quest turn in and I'm wondering if I should just grind out all the rep now, see what level I get and then grind to 18 to get the rest of the quest gear I need?

What's up and welcome! I would advise you avoid doing any low level WSGs for reputation. The 19 bracket usually has 5+ twinks on both sides, so you may not enjoy getting one or two shot while doing a low level grind. As a priest you will only be missing your necklace (+2 stam) and maybe the healing ring, but honestly it is a toss up whether the ring is actually best in slot.

For the sake of your team, I suggest leveling to 19 and gearing up before starting the grind. It'll be more enjoyable for you and others.
If you're having a blast as you're describing it then you will get it in no time. Everything feels so much faster if you're having fun playing.

and I'm wondering when the best time to grind WSG Rep is??

the best time would be during warsong gulch weekend, where you gain 10 bonus rep per flag capture. If you could find any decent flag carrier preferably on your realm then it will speed up the process
I was mainly worried about the XP from the token turn ins but it doesn’t sound like it’s an issue I guess? Gonna check on the BG weekend schedule tomorrow too, thanks guys!


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XP at level 19 is absolutely an issue! Most serious twinks never turn in a single mark.

The turn ins can save part of the rep grind in exchange for playing lower level and using it to fill gaps between questing levels. They are merely suggesting it may not be the most fun way to play : P And that if you are having fun rep can happen quite quickly on it's own.

In my personal experience the rep grind will be very slow if you only play a few games a week, or very fast if you play 10 games a day ( :
Ah ok, yeah I didn’t know if what I was trying to do is normal or not, lol. Guess I asked the question the wrong way.

I do die a lot and I’ve had a few tryhards tell me I’m ruining their games lol. But I’m not the only low level in most of the BGs I’ve done so far. I’m not so sure the results would be much different if I was 19 still getting gear or 15 getting gear, dead either way lol.

I am having fun though, so I think I’ll just keep queuing and see how it goes.

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