WSG Consumables [Lvl 19 Edition]

This is the most complete list of "buffs" you can obtain at 19 to use in Warsong Gulch. Buffs I left out were alchemy potions and consumables that did no stats such as Savory Deviate Delight and Ethereal Oil. Special shout out to Tidal who helped confirm some of these worked. Enjoy!

Quick list:

  1. Holy Spring Water
  2. Halaani Whiskey
  3. Rumsey Rum Black Label
  4. Chipped Power Core
  5. Cracked Power Core
  6. Glowing Cat Figurine
  7. Colossal Parachute
  8. Explosive Sheep
  9. Flame Deflector
  10. Minor Recombobulator
  11. Discombobulator Ray
  12. Coarse Stone Statue
  13. Heavy Stone Statue
  14. Unconscious Dig Rat
  15. Magic Dust
  16. Magic Candle
  17. Charged Crystal Focus
  18. Dark Rune
  19. Condensed Mana Powder
  20. Crystalized Mana Residue
  21. Sprouted Frond
  22. Frog Leg Stew
  23. Raptor Punch
  24. Stormstout
  25. Crystal of Ferocity
  26. Crystal of Insight
  27. Crystal of Vitality
  28. Deviate Fish
  29. Immature Venom Sac
  30. Bogling Root
  31. Smoked Sagefish

Detailed list:

Holy Spring Water

Binds when picked up


Use: Blessing from the Holy Spring of Stranglethorn Vale. (5 Min Cooldown)

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: Loot from The Holy Spring in STV.

Why it's useful: Best "potion" obtainable at 19. Restores 370 to 430 health, dispels one harmful effect, and even restores mana.

Over all rating: [*****] 5 stars!

Note: Credit goes to Tidal for letting us know about it.

Halaani Whiskey

Binds when picked up

Unique (3)

Use: Increases Stamina by 20 for 15 min and increases the drinker's desire to converse.

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: Buy from Cendrii (Alliance) or Embelar (Horde) while your faction controls Halaa.

Obtaining difficulty: [Semi Hard]

Why it's useful: The best "food" buff you can get at 19.

Over all rating: [****] 4 stars.

Note: You can only hold three at a time. Probably best to set your hearth stone near Halaa.

Rumsey Rum Black Label

Use: Increases Stamina by 15 for 15 min and gets you drunk to boot!

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: Can be fished up from fishing pools around STV or you can buy in bulk from Barkeep Kelly in Old Hillsbrad Foothills.

Obtaining difficulty: [Easy]

Why it's useful: The second best "food" buff you can get at 19. Also very cheap and can buy huge amounts in bulk.

Over all rating:[*****] 5 stars!

Note: Most popular consumable at 19.

Chipped Power Core


Use: Releases the energy stored within the Power Core, increasing spell power by 25 for 30 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: By killing Arcane Reaver in Ghostlands.

Obtaining difficulty: [Semi Hard]

Why it's useful: Your highest temporary spell power item at 19.

Over all rating:[***] 3 stars.

Note: These stones are very interesting. They are unique so you can only hold one at a time. Once you obtain one, you can't pick up another one until you get rid of the one you have. If you store them in your guild bank, they will stack up to x5. However, when you go to withdraw the stack of 5, it won't let you until you put them in single stacks. The best way to farm these is to get an Engineering friend to use MOLL-E and send a bunch to your twink at once. These share a cooldown with Cracked Power Core but you can hold one of each in your inventory at once.

Cracked Power Core


Use: Releases the energy stored within the Power Core, increasing spell power by 15 for 30 sec. (2 Min Cooldown)

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: By killing Arcane Patrollers in Eversong Woods.

Obtaining difficulty: [Not Hard]

Why it's useful: Your second highest temporary spell power item at 19.

Over all rating:[***] 3 stars.

Note: These stones are very interesting. They are unique so you can only hold one at a time. Once you obtain one, you can't pick up another one until you get rid of the one you have. If you store them in your guild bank, they will stack up to x5. However, when you go to withdraw the stack of 5, it won't let you until you put them in single stacks. These share a cooldown with Chipped Power Core but you can hold one of each in your inventory at once.

Glowing Cat Figurine

Binds when picked up


Use: Summons a Ghost Saber to fight for you for 10 min. (10 Min Cooldown)

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: Low drop chance off of Ghost Saber who is some times summoned when you're picking up Cat Figurines in Dark Shore.

Obtaining difficulty: [Hard]

Why it's useful: It summons a level 20 Ghost Saber cat to fight by your side for 10 minutes! Best part is, stacks with your current pet so if you're a hunter you appear to have two pets out at once.

Over all rating:[***] 3 stars.

Note: Goes away after 10 minutes or after death. Use wisely.

Colossal Parachute

Binds when picked up


Duration: 20 min

Use: Reduces your fall speed for 10 sec.

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: Buy it for 20s from Kalin Windflight.

Obtaining difficulty: [Semi Hard]

Why it's useful: Imagine a level 19 Rogue flying through the air, in WSG, at 80% speed.

Over all rating:[***] 3 stars.

Note: The NPC on the ground won't port you to the top of the mountain because you're too low level. You'll need a lock summon to get to the top.

Explosive Sheep

Explosive Sheep

Requires Engineering (150)

Use: Summons an Explosive Sheep which will charge at a nearby enemy and explode for 135 to 165 damage. Lasts for 3 min or until it explodes. (1 Min Cooldown)

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: Make with Engineering skill.

Obtaining difficulty: [Easy]

Why it's useful: Does a ton of damage, mats are pretty pricey though.

Over all rating:[***] 3 stars.

Note: Expensive to make, use wisely.

Flame Deflector

Requires Level 15

Use: Absorbs 500 fire damage. Lasts 1 min. (15 Min Cooldown)

5 Charges

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: The recipe drops from Makgineer Thermaplugg. Low chance to drop.

Obtaining difficulty: [Easy]

Why it's useful: Dual wielding fiery rogues.

Over all rating:[***] 4 stars.

Note: Pretty cheap to make, semi useful, hard to obtain though.


Minor Recombobulator


Requires Engineering (140)

Use: Restores 150 to 250 health and mana to a friendly target and attempts to dispel any polymorph effects from them. Reduced effectiveness against polymorph effects from casters of level 31 and higher. (5 Min Cooldown)

10 Charges

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: By the recipe from low level vendors.

Obtaining difficulty: [Easy]

Why it's useful: Instant heal (rumored to be affected by +healing?) that can be used on yourself or other players, restores mana, and dispels polymorph if it's on them.

Over all rating:[****] 5 stars!

Note: Semi expensive to make, but the usefulness makes up for it. =)

Discombobulator Ray

Use: Transforms the target into a Leper Gnome, reducing its melee damage and spell power by 40 and its movement rate by 20% for 12 sec. (1 Min Cooldown)

5 Charges

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: The recipe drops from Makgineer Thermaplugg. Very Low chance to drop.

Obtaining difficulty: [Easy]

Why it's useful: Once of the only snares at 19 that can be re-obtained. Also lowers their stats by a few.

Over all rating:[***] 3 stars.

Note: Semi expensive to make, pretty hard to obtain, need a higher level engineer to make, but VERY useful.


Coarse Stone Statue

Binds when picked up

Use: Place a coarse stone statue on the ground where it will heal you for a short time before its power fades. (2 Min Cooldown)

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: Train from a Jewel Crafting trainer.

Obtaining difficulty: [Easy]

Why it's useful: Small healing over time.

Over all rating:[**] 2 stars.

Note: Isn't very powerful, also shares a cooldown with warlock's health stones.

Heavy Stone Statue

Binds when picked up

Use: Place a heavy stone statue on the ground where it will heal you for a short time before its power fades. (2 Min Cooldown)

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: Train from a Jewel Crafting trainer.

Obtaining difficulty: [Easy]

Why it's useful: Small healing over time.

Over all rating:[***] 3 stars.

Note: More powerful than Coarse Stone Statue but shares a cooldown with warlock's health stones.

Unconscious Dig Rat


Use: This dig rat is still struggling, why don't you let it go?

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: Low drop chance off Dig Rats

Obtaining difficulty: [Semi Easy]

Why it's useful: Warriors can gain some free rage.

Over all rating:[*] 1 star.

Note: Not useful for other classes. Unique so you can only hold one. =( No rat army for you!

Magic Dust

Requires Level 10

Use: Puts the enemy target to sleep for up to 30 sec. Any damage caused will awaken the target. Only one target can be asleep at a time. (1 Min Cooldown)

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: Medium drop chance off Dust Devils

Obtaining difficulty: [Semi Easy]

Why it's useful: 10 second CC that any class can use. Best item ever.

Over all rating:[*****] 5 stars!

Note: Can some times be found on Alliance AH for cheap.

Magic Candle

Magic Candle

Use: Hurls a fiery ball that causes 14 to 22 Fire damage and an additional 2 Fire damage over 4 sec. (1 Min Cooldown)

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: High drop chance off Kobold Geomancers

Obtaining difficulty: [Easy]

Why it's useful: Instant fireball to break bandages. Best used with paladins.

Over all rating:[**] 2 stars.

Note: Can some times be found on Alliance AH for cheap.

Charged Crystal Focus

Binds when picked up

Use: Instantly restores 2000 life. The focus is also rumored to unlock special powers within possessed demons. Kronk in Ogri'la can likely tell you about this. (2 Min Cooldown)

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: By picking up x10 [item]Apexis Shard[/item] in Blades Edge mountain next to Ogri'la then charging them with [item]Depleted Crystal Focus[/item].

Obtaining difficulty: [Hard]

Why it's useful: 2k instant heal. Nuf said

Over all rating:[***] 3 stars.

Note: You will need a lock summon or flying mount to get to the mobs that drop the Apexis Shards needed.

Dark Rune

Use: Restores 900 to 1500 mana at the cost of 600 to 1000 life. (15 Min Cooldown)

Faction: H|A

How to obtain: Drops off mobs in Scholomance.

Obtaining difficulty: [Easy]

Why it's useful: Restore all of your mana or kill yourself. =)

Over all rating:[***] 3 stars.

Note: You can some times find these on AH.

Condensed Mana Powder

Crystalized Mana Residue

Sprouted Frond

Frog Leg Stew

Raptor Punch


Crystal of Ferocity

Crystal of Insight

Crystal of Vitality

Deviate Fish

Immature Venom Sac

Bogling Root
Very nice post, hope it becomes a sticky.
I'm also getting SS of EVERYTHING on this list to prove they all work. It's going to take some time though.
Deviate Fish have to be my favorite :)

I thought I was the only one that popped them like candy, but there was an ally Pally fc tonight that got lucky and got a rejuvination and a 500 instaheal back to back while I was trying to kill him ><

Discombulator Ray is double-listed.

Great list however, some new interesting items for me there. =]
Rayu said:
Discombulator Ray is double-listed.

Great list however, some new interesting items for me there. =]

Thanks, I found out about a few new ones myself while making this! [ITEM]Bogling Root[/ITEM] really interests me since there is a comment on wowhead saying that the buff stacks! :eek:
Duckhunt said:
Thanks, I found out about a few new ones myself while making this! [ITEM]Bogling Root[/ITEM] really interests me since there is a comment on wowhead saying that the buff stacks! :eek:

Let's get like 500 of these and one-shot some hunters, hehe.

Can't wait to try them out when I come home from school. ^_^
I'm pretty sure they come from an unrepeatable quest that gives you 10 at most. I can't quite recall though.
True, but if you're nuts you can make level 5 night elf alts over and over again, to get a few stacks.

Some comments:

glowing cat figurine is pretty damn hard to get, the area is covered with mobs that will attack you and thus you need an out-of-party high level with you; the statues are hard to find and spread out pretty randomly over the area, with only 3 or so existing at a time. And only half of these statues contain a figurine... also the cat cannot be controlled, it just attacks when you are attacked or attack.

colossal parachute sounds weird to me, it only lasts for 20 minutes so how are you going to use it? Are you actually going to make a warlock summon you just as your WSG pops, then buy it, then accept, then find a suitable moment to apply it all within 20 min?

Same for immature venom sac , this seems so futile to get as you can just use

I own all items on this list except the parachute/venom sac, so if you want me to test a few out, I can fraps the results and publish them here ^^

Can you have a higher level player apply
to Gutter Blade, Glacial Stone or Runic Darkblade through a trade window?

They're the only weapons high enough to accept that enhancement, and i dont think a 19 would be able to apply it by themselves.

Edit: tried to link Frost Oil in case anyone cant read my link, i cant see it myself.
Some comments:

glowing cat figurine is pretty damn hard to get, the area is covered with mobs that will attack you and thus you need an out-of-party high level with you; the statues are hard to find and spread out pretty randomly over the area, with only 3 or so existing at a time. And only half of these statues contain a figurine... also the cat cannot be controlled, it just attacks when you are attacked or attack.

That's true, it has been a while since I obtained one of these puppies. I usually just die in the general arena and have a friend run around finding statues and killing the cat until it drops.

colossal parachute sounds weird to me, it only lasts for 20 minutes so how are you going to use it? Are you actually going to make a warlock summon you just as your WSG pops, then buy it, then accept, then find a suitable moment to apply it all within 20 min?

They weren't very useful back before world queue. Now you just need to get a warlock to summon you once and you can set up camp there. 20 Minutes of WSG is a lot longer than you may think, most of my games end at around 15 minutes. I always used my cloak in WSG, there are some pretty nifty places you can get with it.

Same for immature venom sac , this seems so futile to get as you can just use

True, I'm just listing everything. The sacks can be sent in the mail and it will refresh their timer.

I own all items on this list except the parachute/venom sac, so if you want me to test a few out, I can fraps the results and publish them here ^^

That'd be great! =) If I need any help I'll pm ya.
Grunge said:

Can you have a higher level player apply
to Gutter Blade, Glacial Stone or Runic Darkblade through a trade window?

They're the only weapons high enough to accept that enhancement, and i dont think a 19 would be able to apply it by themselves.

Edit: tried to link Frost Oil in case anyone cant read my link, i cant see it myself.

I'm pretty sure you can, here is a picture of me having a random blacksmith apply [ITEM]Solid Weightstone[/ITEM] to my glacial stone.


Personally, I think [ITEM]Shadow Oil[/ITEM] is better because of the higher proc chance, more damage, and can be placed on x2 shadow fangs. :p
Duckhunt said:
I'm pretty sure you can, here is a picture of me having a random blacksmith apply [ITEM]Solid Weightstone[/ITEM] to my glacial stone.


Personally, I think [ITEM]Shadow Oil[/ITEM] is better because of the higher proc chance, more damage, and can be placed on x2 shadow fangs. :p

I was just thinking for a warr chasing down a fc in AP gear, Frost might be a little better but i agree with you that would be redic :0

Edit: shadow oil can also be applied to CB and Skeletal club
x2 shadow fangs with shadow oil, fiery, and red whelp gloves. Ouch!

On a side note, wish the realms would come up.

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