[WSG Battleground 14/11] - Save the bracket!


Battleground: WSG

Date: 14/11 (Sunday)

Time: 19:00 server time

So here we go again! We really need to get WSG going in this bracket and frankly we have enough players to do so but not the activity right now. As it seems we need 10 players on each side in order to get WSG to pop (not 5 as some of us, including me, thought). To all of you who has multiple 39's I would like it if you queued them all at 19:00 in order for us to reach this requirement!

If anyone reading this thread hasn't read Intentalo's post in the other WSG thread I ask you to take some time and read it: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/30-39-bracket/14618-wsg-battleground-31-10-there.html#post200048

Also, as I said before, if you can't show up exactly at 19 try to come online between 19-20. If we do get a pop we will most likely still be playing then and if we are still queueing there's a chance that YOU are the missing person we need!

EDIT: EU battlegroups has been merged (some atleast) meaning this WSG is now for every EU 39 player (with locked xp!) out there! Be sure to queue up on Sunday for some WSG action!
Gringos Waggon will be there, as always. Let's try to get 10 people per side and we don't have any problem to get a pop. We just need some more people, we were about 9v10 last time and nearly got it. Maybe this next sunday will be our first pop in weeks, let's hope so :)

All of you who came in our lasts tries, come again and you'll probably get a pop; all of you who didn't come, this is your chance to play again this bracket. We need you both, as we're very close to get that pop we're waiting for.
WB will be there aswell, as allways. just remember to get enough alliances Ero!
blazed said:
WB will be there aswell, as allways. just remember to get enough alliances Ero!

Oh right, my bad, I "forgot" last time! :cool:
Edited starting post to highlight the fact that EU battlegroups has been merged! With this change we just have to get a WSG pop on Sunday :)
Intentalo said:
Gringos Waggon will be there, as always. Let's try to get 10 people per side and we don't have any problem to get a pop. We just need some more people, we were about 9v10 last time and nearly got it. Maybe this next sunday will be our first pop in weeks, let's hope so :)

All of you who came in our lasts tries, come again and you'll probably get a pop; all of you who didn't come, this is your chance to play again this bracket. We need you both, as we're very close to get that pop we're waiting for.

Sounds like you're talking about sex!
How many are queueing waiting to get in? Just out of curiosity.
It's really not working I give up, the guy broadcasting got in again, and I didn't, well maybe it's working but then who ever is on draenor get priority and we get the leftovers...

so I give up
yeyep, i was in queu for over 7 hours nonstop and still these guys get in and i dont. fuck dis

edit: tho i did see the 4 min average wait time but anway..
Seems there's a problem with merged battlegroups, some people has been queueing and didn't get a pop while everybody from blackout has entered with no problems. Guess Blizzard will fix this soon so you just have to wait a little, maybe this wednesday they'll fix it.

I don't know how many bgs have we played, but we have been getting pops from 19:00 till 21:00, more or less.

And yeah, alliance was still a lil superior, but at least today we played better and we won a couple of games.

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