I think we need an event wide vent with at least 3 channels, ally side, horde side, and officer channel (whoever is running: kochi, then a leader or 2 for each team to get info.) Communication, or lack thereof, made this event extremely hectic. It didn't help that behsten decided to jump off roof with me on his bike, causing me to explo shot someone so I could disengage w/o dying. This caused most of the horde team to chase me halfway across the map. Then, I felt like people were constantly trying to open on me, even after kochi called reset and I was standing on my side of the bridge. Also it didn't help that smokemybeef seemed to have a personal grudge against me after I solod him a few times throughout the first game, and proceeded to open on me out of stealth with combos and feet spamming conflag on me IN BETWEEN GAMES! Not useful WHATSOEVER, got to be annoying as fuck. Just my $0.02, the whole event seemed like it was extremely annoying just to stay alive even when we weren't supposed to be fighting, or when we were "resetting". It is in no way fun to be told to lay off, we are resetting, just to have their whole team run over and gank you because you are just standing there waiting to reset.