WPvp - AQ Signup!


This Sunday at 7pm Eastern Time, Korgath will be hosting the AQ World PvP Battleground

This is a cross realm event, anyone is welcome to join in on the fun!

**To participate in the event and have a shot to play, YOU MUST SIGN UP before Saturday 12pm eastern. You also need to be familiar with the rules!**

To sign up, you will private message me on Twinkinfo here in this fashion....

1)Character Name/Class



4) Alternate Characters (This is not mandatory, but gives you a better opportunity to participate in the event)

We are going to include as many people as possible in doing this event while keeping the factions balanced out numbers wise, as long as you sign up before the deadline you have a high chance in participating in the event.

I will be streaming the event at HB/Fearthebun’s Stream | Twinking.net for those who would like to view the game live!

on that cha feel status- HB
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Here is the information for the event and the rules. We are using the AQ zone with Raid Icon Markers to create PvP objectives like a Battleground.


Video created by HB 'Fearthebuns'
Conquest of the Fallen Kingdom - YouTube

The 5 locations will be marked in game using the Raid Icon Markers. Both Alliance and Horde will have the markers set at the same locations.

The Yellow Icon is the start of the game and also the turn in place for points.

Each team will have 2 Collectors who can go to the other Icon locations and then return to the Yellow one. This is similar to capping a flag. For example a Collector can run to the Red Icon and then back to the Yellow one and the team would get 1 point.

A team must collect all four colors before repeating any of them. Red Blue Green and Purple. Once a team collects all four then they can go back and get them again.

- If a Collector dies before getting back to the Yellow Icon then the point is lost.

- A Collector can only visit one Icon at a time before returning to the Yellow Icon.

- A team must obtain all 4 Icons before going back to repeat any of them.

- to Collect or Turn in points the player must be mounted and run into the Icon Marker.
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Updated the Thread! Everyone who has signed up via Private Message is set to play for sunday! Bump dee Bump
can this event be done through Aerie peak realm time at 12 like the previous event?, since there might a bit prob with my time.(3 am). There no problem if u guys don't want to change the time and if u guys want to do it on 7pm est them im ok with it, i'll just pass on this event and hope for another one.
can this event be done through Aerie peak realm time at 12 like the previous event?, since there might a bit prob with my time.(3 am). There no problem if u guys don't want to change the time and if u guys want to do it on 7pm est them im ok with it, i'll just pass on this event and hope for another one.

For this specific event the time will stand at 7pm eastern time, but in future games we will try to make them more EU friendly (time wise).

Edit: Keep the sign ups coming! Spread the word!
I'm interested in helping out any way I can, and maybe just slightly interested in playing >.>
I think we are aiming for 15 v 15 but will go with more on each team if needed to allow everyone to play.
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Wasn't there and don't plan on going to anymore Wpvp events until the players change but here's my opinion..

I was there for the ZG ones and the farming pissed me off.. I intentionally had to stay there just to gank the farmers while completely missing the real pvp so others on my team would stop getting farmed... If there is a "reset" or a no fighting time where it is announced in raid chat or raid warning and people attack/gank during that time they get ONE warning. If they don't read chat and they do it again they are kicked from the raid with no warning or explanation.

I'm sry kochist or HB or whoever is running this but the quality of players have made me not want to sign up anymore and either of you can easily control said players. Idk how this test event went but it sounds like you had the same problems as you did in the ZG ones.. Quality>quantity. I'd rather have a 5v5 of fun objective pvp then a 15v15 full of gankers
Wasn't there and don't plan on going to anymore Wpvp events until the players change but here's my opinion..

I was there for the ZG ones and the farming pissed me off.. I intentionally had to stay there just to gank the farmers while completely missing the real pvp so others on my team would stop getting farmed... If there is a "reset" or a no fighting time where it is announced in raid chat or raid warning and people attack/gank during that time they get ONE warning. If they don't read chat and they do it again they are kicked from the raid with no warning or explanation.

I'm sry kochist or HB or whoever is running this but the quality of players have made me not want to sign up anymore and either of you can easily control said players. Idk how this test event went but it sounds like you had the same problems as you did in the ZG ones.. Quality>quantity. I'd rather have a 5v5 of fun objective pvp then a 15v15 full of gankers

This event should be very different from all the previous events. We are only accepting people who have read the rules and understand how to follow them. Each team will also have leaders in Skype so that will make it much more organized then before.

5v5 is too small for WPvP, that would be more like Arena. We can easily find enough Quality players for a 15 v 15.
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5v5 is too small for WPvP, that would be more like Arena. We can easily find enough Quality players for a 15 v 15.

Was just an example lol.. I'd rather a 10v10 of obj wpvp then 20v20 of gankers or 20v20 of obj then 25v25 of ganks and so on..

I was just saying to put those baddy gankers in their place when they don't listen. If they have to read the thread then I wouldn't even give a warning and just auto boot anyone who does gank as there's probably a nice obj player waiting to take their place. GL none the less, I've always liked the AQ map for wpvp ideas
Lil is completely right. I clearly remember a priest killing ppl at the ZG Graveyard and he won't just stop till the target is dead.

I was on my lock back then and i can clearly say that he killed me more than 3 times. Fortunately for him i don't remember the name.

Im participating in this event cause its fun to play togerther with others ppl we met in Bg's , even though this Wpvp happens at 3 am for me, i still participate, cause i clearly believe this time, its worth it..
Today is the last day of signups! Once again, everyone who was private messaged me is signed up. At the end of the night when sign ups are over, I will send out private messages to everyone who signed up for what character they will be needed on! Looking Forward to Tomorrow!
The teams are being sorted out! You will be sent back a message from me indicating what character you be needed on, and if you will need to be a collector for your team.

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