Wow this bracket has changed

No, at the start you were just being a liar. And when I called it into play you dropped it because it wouldn't have gotten you anywhere.

Please don't try and act smarter than you are.

You're a 20 playing in a 24's bracket you can't talk about smarts or even logic :D. Inb4 20's bracket, power > size. I didn't drop shit, I can get where I want and still poop on your green name plated ass xoxoxoxo
I really agree with OP. It took a while for some ppl to get used to, but the fight dynamics are better overall now. Except when it comes to those 24 SPs. Oh, that reminds me! I wanted to ask, does anyone know where I could give a polite /golfclap on the forums for those 24 SPs out there. I feel they work really hard, and people need to show them the respect they deserve.

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