Likewise my friend !
Hope your doing well ?
surviving, my brother from another mother
how about you? hope alls good
will you do the annual reinstall for winter holidays?
I see Captain Kiri, scourge of the bars still keeps going
Not much interesting shit here tbf, just working.
I havent played retail since like a 2nd bfa week since its just reskinned legion, but worse.
I once managed to steal Captain Morgans pirate hat at a bar in Austria.
was this in 2015/16?
If so I managed a campaign around europe that consisted of bar visits by the captain & co. offering free tasters and competition cards...
It was indeed yes, dont recall if it was 15 or 16 but one of the two. Prob 15 tbh.
It was in Sölden, Austria in a bar under the ski lift. Dont remember the name, but the bartender was hot^^
Your not getting the hat refunded. Pirate bootay Laws and all![]()
Haha that's great. It happened a few times during the campaign, at least you didn't start a fist fight with him like a lot of people tried. Many times we were told nobody showed up to their accommodation because they'd be at after party's or sleeping with someone. Captain Morgan got the whooty a lot.
Well Alcohol is like cocaine and weed, very bad for the young ones, so I do my upmost best to rid the world of such atrocities.
lol on the note of Captain;
I once managed to steal Captain Morgans pirate hat at a bar in Austria.
Was a PR stunt with 2 pirate babes and the morgan dude, and me in my infinite drunken wisdom calculated that stealing a hat from a pirate could in no way be a bad thing. I mean, can you really steal from a pirate? Wouldnt that at the most be "liberating already stolen goods" ? xD
-Capt. Morgan apparently was of a different opinion and chased me around the bar, until I had to give up/donate my precious booty to the cute bartender girl.
Was fun tho ^^
What are you working with? If its pretty girls let me know, since I'm contemplating starting an import business here
Very noble of you , im very proud
But hey , atleast you found out you are a better pirate than him :'D
Ill have to let you down there,but the work is with with electric schematics and pipelines, so unless you want some hot pictures of cable networks, im afraid i cant help![]()