WoW Armory not Updating Appearance?


New Member
Just wanted to check if anyone else is having issues with WoW Armory updating. It's not having any issues at all in updating my equipped gear, but it hasn't updated my character's appearance ever since I hit level 10, before I started farming my gear and all that. Is this a normal thing? Is there anything I can do to update my character's appearance in there?
yeah i have been. mine's been a black silhouette still on a character over a week old.
further, even in-game, my stats page doesn't seem to be accurate.
i've killed omor the unscarred 10s of times and it still lists as just 1.
Now that you mention it, I've recently increased my crit chance with like 3 gems and the number didn't change in my UI...
Wonder if the last patch messed it up somehow? Even though my armory page hasn't updated my character's appearance since before the patch, has been a couple weeks.
my character's transmog hasn't been updated for the entirety of the last week despite gear and gem changes updating regularly.
I put on a dope ass tmog like 2 weeks ago and my armory won't update either. :PepeHands:

It's been happening to all of my toons and seems to be a known problem atm with some of the threads I've read, it shouldn't have anything to do with the fact that we're level 10; not yet, at least...

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