For my ret I grabbed the 2h weapon off Terrace. I still had the str gem and socket thing in my bank. Used them. Not sure if that weapon is best, but I don't have Shadowmourne on my pally. I know that would be best but I don't have it
What class, and is that WoTLK?
Just did one with my ret 110 with TWing gear: 1471 average. I was 200 above the 120 hunter.
I will do more on my 120s and see if there is a difference. My 120 main has all the old leggos.
Also the cloak from MoP was 18% of my ret's damage!
EDIT: 120 ret 368 ilvl raid gear, no special TWing avg damage was 1300s
Curious how you are getting 2500.
Tomorrow I will take my decked out Legion I would typically do 75% of the TWing damage...see how it looks now with scaling etc.