WotLK and Twinks


blizzard has taken a lot of heat for all the stuff that has happened in twinking since Wrath launched, but imo this is actually pretty unfair

besides the fact that their bug fixes have taken WAY too long...blizzard hasnt done such a terrible job

tbh prof buffs and enti's sword arent that big of a deal, a lot of people are treating this like THE END OF TWINKS FOREVER when in all honesty these two bugs that twinks have taken advantage of (not for much longer) are not even much worse than leg patches were when BC came out

i didnt pay much attention to the "twink community" when bc came out, but im sure there was as much debate over the leg patches as there is over prof buffs and enti's

blizzard has honestly only made twinks better with these new things, and the unfair things such as the 225 mining bug and enti's are being fixed soon...we should all calm down about the little things and be happy that most of us survived another expansion without having to remake/stop twinking
Tetox said:
blizzard has taken a lot of heat for all the stuff that has happened in twinking since Wrath launched, but imo this is actually pretty unfair

besides the fact that their bug fixes have taken WAY too long...blizzard hasnt done such a terrible job

tbh prof buffs and enti's sword arent that big of a deal, a lot of people are treating this like THE END OF TWINKS FOREVER when in all honesty these two bugs that twinks have taken advantage of (not for much longer) are not even much worse than leg patches were when BC came out

i didnt pay much attention to the "twink community" when bc came out, but im sure there was as much debate over the leg patches as there is over prof buffs and enti's

blizzard has honestly only made twinks better with these new things, and the unfair things such as the 225 mining bug and enti's are being fixed soon...we should all calm down about the little things and be happy that most of us survived another expansion without having to remake/stop twinking

Well there was the shoulder/helm exploits that a few twinks still has.. But the WOTLK bugs seems to be fixed, not just made unavailable for new twinks like the shoulder/helm exploits were so I would say the WOTLK bugs are actually better for twinks than the BC bugs were.

And for all the QQ'ers about the proffesion bugs, if you are too lazy to get it there's noone else to blame than yourself!
Zanex said:
Well there was the shoulder/helm exploits that a few twinks still has.. But the WOTLK bugs seems to be fixed, not just made unavailable for new twinks like the shoulder/helm exploits were so I would say the WOTLK bugs are actually better for twinks than the BC bugs were.

And for all the QQ'ers about the proffesion bugs, if you are too lazy to get it there's noone else to blame than yourself!

exactly my point...people are flipping about this and its not even that terrible...blizzard deserves to get a free pass on a couple glitches in an entire expansion....especially when the BC ones were worse

thanks for adding in the helm/shoulder stuff...i never even found out u could get that legally until after i found out u could get it through exploits...shows how much i read forums back then lol
For your info, the helm/shoulder enchant were actually possible through a legal way in the very early beginnings of BC.

Only later on when Blizzard hotfixed this it was possible through two other ways - mailbox and when Guildvault got introduced, also the guildvault made it possible - which was known by a lot of people out there in the twinking community. Nevertheless this wasn't meant to be available, hence it's called an exploit.
And for all the QQ'ers about the proffesion bugs, if you are too lazy to get it there's noone else to blame than yourself!

If you are enough of a douchebag to find them necessary (and thus increasing the necessity of having them) then please stfu.

I think things were pretty much fine as they were, hp, crit etc. is differently proportional in their goodness for different classes. It seems pretty damn retarded to me to shift the acceptable balance that existed before the first moron got these buffs.
Hamcake said:
If you are enough of a douchebag to find them necessary (and thus increasing the necessity of having them) then please stfu.

I think things were pretty much fine as they were, hp, crit etc. is differently proportional in their goodness for different classes. It seems pretty damn retarded to me to shift the acceptable balance that existed before the first moron got these buffs.


sylar said:



More like

19's have gotten a little out of hand since WotLK. I don't like the idea of all these things being or possibly being "grandfathered"

I want to take my time building a twink and have fun in the process and not worry about changes in patches that will affect my twink if I don't do it before the patch comes out.

In the meantime I'm just laying low on twinking until it settles down.
and what about those twinks who cant get prof to max?

ive had my 19 rogue for ages and i was allways trying to be top geared... i have 1 bar till ding and i cant get those anymore

i woudnt mind that i cant have them if one day i can make some other twink and get it full but now they gona fix the prof-s and only ppl who allrdy have them can keep them

imo that is going to fuck up the balance which we had pre wotlk
I find that blizzard has done really bad with the actual content of the expansion. The graphics and etc. are beautiful, but twinking, end-game raids and heroics, are F***d up
I do feel sorry for the twinks that cannot get maxed proffesions, but those who have enough exp to achieve 450 proffs really has to get their thumb our of their a*s and stop being so lazy. Twinking is about maxing your character, being at top.
~note~ taken from a post i made in my BG forums....

well in my opinion, the best option atm would be to , first of all, fix mining bug which will be done with patch, and keep the profs up with no lvl requirement. At least this will not exclude new twinks from being able to get it and the playing field will be leveled. People would be able to get it and no one would complain except for the people that are too lazy to go get them in the first place and thats definitely not a good enough reason for someone to complain about it. The hard work and effort put into lvling to 450 gathering prof is extremely insane and if someone is dedicated enough to achieve this then kudos and they should be able to get the ability to use what they worked so hard for. Twinks are mainly about going for the best possible items and using them to your advantage ( while i do detest glitches and things of that sort, at tleast they are typically only temprorary i.e. mining bug ) If someone is too close to dinging to get the gathering profs, do what i did- make a new twink and get it. Most likely the patch is not tomorrow, so you have at the least a week to attain 450 gathering profs. That should be more than enough time to get it- sounds better than just sitting on the forums QQing all day about it. And if you cant do it, you have something to do, you just think theres no way you can do it, well QQ more you’ve had over a month’s notice :p. Enti’s on the other hand DEFINITELY needs to be nerfed and dont even bother trying to justify any reasons why it shouldnt be. There have been reported 450 rend ticks, that alone is close to a normal lvl 19 nontwinks full hp. On top of that 300 non crits from lvl 11 nontwinks is completely ridiculous and no respectable twink should even be fighting for this to stay in or even say that this is one bit fair. If blizz goes through with implementing these lvl req effects they’re only hurting their own wallets and we all know how much they care about that. And in respect to blizzard’s notice of twinks…you have to be living under a rock to not see how much blizz takes notice of us. Diplomat title, *cough* the three main reps that lvl 19 twinks even go for- coincidence? ok maybe , next. These gathering professions in the first place….they patched it to add a lvl req and then re patched it to remove the lvl req… hmm now why would they do that? oh and look how long it took them to fix that mining bug…yah…do you honestly believe it takes over a month to fix something that could have easily been fixed in a shorter amount of time? yah ok. what else…oh that stupid enti sword, anyone else see that screenshot from pwndepot of the guy asking the gm about it- well if you didnt, all the gm had to say was that the hidden dmg on that thing was intentional- good freaking game. so in conclusion , blizzard notices twinks, and when we create forum posts like these , they read them…and seriously, there’s bound to be at least 1 gm out of their entire list of employees that reads pwndepot, twinkinfo, and other things of the sort… they know whats going on and we just gotta live with the outcome .

i think that pretty much sums it up...
Blizzard is a business and Twinks are a great part of the community and alienation a large part of your community is a DUMB business move so i dont think we will ever have to worry about twinks going away perm.
i agree that blizz notices twinks but they are doing crap of a job.

ure complaining about the time they need to fix the enti?

have u been around when there was an terain exploit in the horde base where u go to the roof? every player knew about it and almoust all used it to get behind horde flag room wall to score flag or to pick it up when it drops

it took them around half a year to fix it and every 1 that knows even a litlle about those things knows that it could have been fixed in 5 mins... i mean is it so hard to put 1 rock in front of it so ppl cant abuse bugs anymore?

if u calculate what amount of money they are geting every month imo they are doing aful job
Tetox said:
tbh prof buffs and enti's sword arent that big of a deal, a lot of people are treating this like THE END OF TWINKS FOREVER when in all honesty these two bugs that twinks have taken advantage of (not for much longer) are not even much worse than leg patches were when BC came out

Gonna have to disagree here. Enti's sword allows any warrior with more than 2 functioning brain cells to take out any player they can touch in a matter of seconds. While leg patches made a difference, they were not game altering.

The mining bug is annoying and much worse than the leg patches, but not nearly as bad as the Enti's sword.

I cannot wait for both of these problems to be fixed. My twinks are grounded until patch 3.0.8.
Hamcake said:
If you are enough of a douchebag to find them necessary (and thus increasing the necessity of having them) then please stfu.

when 500hp and 10% crit are available, they're neccessary...
Just for the sake of pointing this out... For all those people who have twinks with 1 bubble left till ding or are similarly worried about not having room for gathering profs, you can get from 1-290 mining without ever leaving the forge. You can smelt your way from 1-290 if you just shell out the money on the AH. you then need 10 thorium nodes to hit 300, then you can smelt to 340, mine 10 nodes to 350, and smelt cobalt to 375. Depending on how much of the high level zones your twink has explored already, it should be possible to hit at least 375 mining without killing a single thing or gaining a single exploration XP.

For skinning, again, it depends on how many zones you have already explored. Just have a high level kill and loot everything and you can get to 375 skinning. Not 450, sure, but it might be better than nothing.

Herbalism might end up being the easiest depending on your exploration since most herbalism takes place in the zone of the main city, barrens, STV, hinterlands, and felwood. If you've explored zone of zangarmarsh you can easily get to 375, then use the newly explained 1-node-to-450 herbalism explained on the front page.

If you haven't gone out of your way to explore high level zones, at the very least you can smelt your way to 225 to get use out of the 700hp mining bug until it goes away
Dead Zones

Indomitabull said:
Just for the sake of pointing this out... For all those people who have twinks with 1 bubble left till ding or are similarly worried about not having room for gathering profs, you can get from 1-290 mining without ever leaving the forge. You can smelt your way from 1-290 if you just shell out the money on the AH. you then need 10 thorium nodes to hit 300, then you can smelt to 340, mine 10 nodes to 350, and smelt cobalt to 375. Depending on how much of the high level zones your twink has explored already, it should be possible to hit at least 375 mining without killing a single thing or gaining a single exploration XP.

For skinning, again, it depends on how many zones you have already explored. Just have a high level kill and loot everything and you can get to 375 skinning. Not 450, sure, but it might be better than nothing.

Herbalism might end up being the easiest depending on your exploration since most herbalism takes place in the zone of the main city, barrens, STV, hinterlands, and felwood. If you've explored zone of zangarmarsh you can easily get to 375, then use the newly explained 1-node-to-450 herbalism explained on the front page.

If you haven't gone out of your way to explore high level zones, at the very least you can smelt your way to 225 to get use out of the 700hp mining bug until it goes away

Additionally, there does exist what I like to call "Dead zones" throughout Azeroth, Outland, and Northrend. When in a dead zone you don't gain experience for discovering it. One that I know of you can walk to from a city and gain 0 xp. The other two require warlock summons.

First, when leveling Mining, Skinning, or Herbalism and getting through the lower half of Outland skill levels, fly to Honor Hold (Alliance) after porting/hearthing to Shattrath. I'm not sure if it's possible to get here without a summon and without getting experience as Horde as it is with Alliance. Take the ramp straight South of Honor Hold and beginning Gathering, you can venture as far South as the orc camp by the cliffs and Thornrazor Trail, as far East as the voidwalker fields and the ghost city, and as far West as the large wall. If you need a visual representation of where you can and can't walk, discover (yes, discover.) the Zepplin Crash, it gives 0 experience and will fill up your dead zone on your map. Just be careful of how close you get to the other clearly defined areas as you will discover them.

It is entirely possible to get to Mining 350 without discovering in Outland. Fel Iron remains green from 340-350 (Just be aware that there are very few Herbs and Veins to find in this dead zone, which is to be expected in such a small area), although I was in a hurry before one Tuesday and had half of a level to spare so I just went discovering a quarter of Hellfire.

The second and third benefit mostly Skinning, I haven't looked to see if there are any Herbs or Veins in these dead zones yet. In Borean Tundra, directly in between Amber Ledge and Warsong Hold is a pack of rhinos and Nedar, Lord of Rhinos. When warlock summoned here you will not discover anything, but again, stay inside that small area or you will. There are enough Rhinos here to slingshot you through skinning until the next dead zone.

Get a warlock summon to Wyrmrest Temple in Dragonblight, and have your chaperon aggro skinnable mobs and train them as close to the temple as they can without resetting them before killing them. As a general rule, don't step off of the actual temple steps and you are guaranteed not to discover anything, however, I was able to walk as far as 50 yards in various directions before getting very leery of where I was walking (Discovering nothing, but fearing it). This area when used after the previous will get you to 450 Skinning. Again, I'm not sure how many Herbs or Veins you can reach, probably not many at all. I'll update when I get to Herbing and Skinning on my Rogue.

Sorry for the lengthy post, I hope it helps those that are close to dinging realize their full potential.

Also, if you know of any more dead zones, please share! It could be possible to level gathering from 1-450 without a single experience point gain with careful planning and execution, and most importantly, patience and the help of a friend.
Hamcake said:
If you are enough of a douchebag to find them necessary (and thus increasing the necessity of having them) then please stfu.

I think things were pretty much fine as they were, hp, crit etc. is differently proportional in their goodness for different classes. It seems pretty damn retarded to me to shift the acceptable balance that existed before the first moron got these buffs.

There neccessary to keep up with twinking. That's the idea of 'us twinks'. If you don't like them, then I'm afraid that's your problem. I will certainly not drop my professions for anyone, for the sake that you can't be bothered to level up profs. There not hard to do. Just time consuming. I'd only feel sorry for new lvl 19 twinks.

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