[WotLK] 30-39 PvP Stream

How is the twink community on Molten? Are there any brackets that pop daily?
Is 39 more active than 29's here?

Hard to say. 20-29 pops daily without even trying, but we've got more people organizing at 30-39, due to the better balance and more connections to former 39ers. 30-39 would pop daily, but lately we've been focusing on building more twinks, alts, and getting new players leveled and geared up as well.

How is the twink community on Molten? Are there any brackets that pop daily?

10-19 used to be running almost constantly 24-7. Since Cyclone, the 19-only server, came out, it's only been popping daily, but still pretty often.

20-29 is popping almost every day. It's more reliable during EU primetime however. There aren't enough US players on alliance to get reliable pops regularly during those hours, so we mostly focus on 39s then.

30-39 is pretty close to daily pops. We've stopped pushing it though, because it wasn't all twinks, and it'd often be 7v7 or 8v8. Today we're actually starting to run specific days/times to queue so that we can get a handful of excellent games, then go back to recruiting and building more twinks. That said, we do arena pretty regularly too, and it's insanely fun. Really well balanced.

40-49 is not popping yet. We've got probably a dozen players on horde, but we're waiting on more alliance to build twinks and let us know they're ready.

70-79 is popping daily too, probably as often as 10-19, but I don't pay close attention to the higher brackets.
Jk Pers is playing his lock.

Games are up tho, and 9/10 or 10/10 twinks!
Yea sorry....theres too many things wrong with my druid, mostly UI/addon/keybinding stuff...will have to fix it later. But getting some good back and forth games, neither faction is dominating. I think we got a solid 3-4 hours of games going on.
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Pinworms666 - 3/27/14- Game 1 (Alliance side) - Twitch
^First game of the evening. Nineleven had a pro flag return at end.

I counted 11 WSGs all full or almost full. And never more than 1 nontwink in each game. Most were awesome games. As more of us roll alts, we're able to balance the classes and numbers more effectively. We didn't get any 30-39s going during EU primetime, but that's because most of the EU players were in the mood for 29s today, which was cool too. /shrug

Overall, I'd say Thursday night 39 PvP was a complete success. We'll do it again next week, and start adding other days. Next day we're going to try is Sunday, so that we can get the EU and US players on at the same time. (So afternoon for US players, and evening for EU players).
Posted this at the beginning of the thread too.

Evilnside's 30-39 wotlk stream:

We got 5v5s tonight, had 14 people solo queuing on horde side, and good enough class balance to make 90% of the games awesome. And no need to take off gear. ;P

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