Worth the time?


Im sure its annoying as hell to some of you when you see these types of posts, but I have just one question!! Okay maybe a couple.... XD. Should I join the bracket. Ive only ever played 19s and 29s in the old days of bc. Hows the state of 70s? I have always heard that the bracket was pretty sturdy as far as the volume of people that play. What are the q times like? Also what class? I have a lock at 70 atm but hes not geared at all. I also have a hunter sitting at 62 which im leaning more towards gearing over the lock. I wouldnt mind bringing my 29 rogue up to 70 at all either. Which class is the us bracket in need of (if the bracket is even active enough)

Sorry for the wall of text

tl; dr. Is the us bracket active? If so what are q times like? Is it worth it? And lastly Lock, rogue or hunter?
Are they atleast no more than 10 minutes?? Because thats about how it used to be with 19s so if thats the case im fine with that!! Thanks for the reply btw
tl; dr. Is the us bracket active? If so what are q times like? Is it worth it? And lastly Lock, rogue or hunter?

Quite, prime time is usually 5 PM - 9 PM EST ( Least from my experience ). Can be all day during the weekends. Que times themselves vary too, 10-25 minutes on a good day; weekends are lesser.

As for class~ Rogue is definitely going to be top of the list, second being hunter. Warlocks can serve as an annoyance with all their defensive cool downs. That's just from an observation point of view though, I'm certain someone who mains one of these classes will have better insight for you.

Best of luck
I'd say hunter is the strongest of those 3 classes
I'd say hunter is the strongest of those 3 classes

I figured that would be the case. But I think I decided on rogue seeing as how ill be solo q'in for the most part. Seems like that would be the best fit class for goin out on my own. Whats the home server for US 70s if there even is one?
I figured that would be the case. But I think I decided on rogue seeing as how ill be solo q'in for the most part. Seems like that would be the best fit class for goin out on my own. Whats the home server for US 70s if there even is one?

Copy and paste from the main thread.

+Active Guilds and Servers+

Madoran: <Fence Warmers> [PvE] (Alliance)
Aggramar: <First Class Gaming> [PvP] (Alliance)
Moon Guard: <Twisted Nethers> [PvP PvE] (Alliance) Twisted Nethers Information - Pastebin.com
Tichondrius: <Twinklyfe> [PvP] (Horde)
Thrall: <Caliber> [PvP PvE] (Horde) Caliber of Thrall

Can anyone enlighten me as to how 3s are at 70 (US). Is anyone making an effort to organize '3s night' or are ques already decent?

I'm a former rank 1 resto shaman (few seasons back), I just started playing again and I'm looking for people to arena / rbg / bg with. I'm on a server with 0 twinks and my rank 1 partner hardly plays =/ . I'd happily xfer if I found friendly people to play with.

I'm pretty rusty but I'd love to get back into the swing of things and arena / rbg again.

-Böötyquake (formerly Shambulånce)
Can anyone enlighten me as to how 3s are at 70 (US). Is anyone making an effort to organize '3s night' or are ques already decent?

I'm a former rank 1 resto shaman (few seasons back), I just started playing again and I'm looking for people to arena / rbg / bg with. I'm on a server with 0 twinks and my rank 1 partner hardly plays =/ . I'd happily xfer if I found friendly people to play with.

I'm pretty rusty but I'd love to get back into the swing of things and arena / rbg again.

-Böötyquake (formerly Shambulånce)
Depends really, some nights it can be quite crowded, but some nights you face the same team again and again.
The que's I have been experiencing at least in the US have been 25 mins or so on any random week night. Hope you have better luck.

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