Worth starting over?


I made a twink priest a long time ago and got it to almost BiS at the time. I was never an experienced player until now, and I wanted to play twinks again considering level 85 is getting rather boring. The problem with my priest is he is still on my first server while all my mains are xfered off. This left him with no boa's, no money, and so on.

Here is armory link Healls @ Shandris - Game - World of Warcraft

I know the gear is bad/outdated and such. My question is would it be better to xfer it over or start fresh on my main's server? The thing that is stopping me is all the unobtainable items I have that I won't be able to get. I have several items and even the doomsday billboard+ clothes from before cata launch still.

Any feedback would be helpful!

UPDATE: After arguing with a GM for a good 20 min with requesting for a new gm etc etc, i convinced him to transfer my heirlooms over to my priest. GG
Figured, the only way to update with boa's/decent enchants and such would be to xfer. Probably best
Will they actually do it? I haven't heard of them allowing that before.

Also, can anyone confirm if my Doomsday Billboard will stay on me if I xfer/faction change?
imo go shadow cause inferno robe by far highest sp chest @19, gravestone scepter is pretty sweet as well but firebelcher/duraks wand is bis imo

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