Worth Returning?


Hey guys, stumbled on TI and saw there seemed to be activity in the 19's bracket, is it worth a return? Are there any MGC kids left out there, do you need a max level toon to get BIS, or if anyone can tell me if these toons are anywhere close to being geared? Or if they are worth anything at all :D

Rejen @ Bloodhoof - Community - World of Warcraft
Udiesoon @ Elune - Community - World of Warcraft
Rejen @ Arathor - Community - World of Warcraft

Would be fun to play 19's again :)

Hey Rejen :)

Activity is pretty decent at the moment, I'd give it a try nothing to lose. Lots of mini premades have been happening recently maybe u can get in on the fun.

I dont believe there are any MGC kids and haven't been for a long time apart from maybe Cannabis but even him i haven't seen for a while.

No you don't need max level toon, just enchants are painfully expensive at the moment due to having to buy the best chants at endgame.

I don't play any of the classes you listed but it wont take much time at all, most of it is just getting the new expensive enchants since the gear is basically the same.
Be nice to see some old faces!
resto druids are alright, they have a huge offensive ability now, they can 1-2k ferocious bite people
Druids any good right now?

Ferals are one button and do stupid amounts of damage with a 3 sec stun. Boomkins are top ranged. Resto is pretty meh and guardian has been top fc since the twink cup but we take a lot more damage now.
Ferals are one button and do stupid amounts of damage with a 3 sec stun. Boomkins are top ranged. Resto is pretty meh and guardian has been top fc since the twink cup but we take a lot more damage now.
ferals are a bit more than one button :p gotta get 5 cp then roar-rake-FB one shot people
From 8-11/12 Eastern each evening there's regular WSG pops. Sometimes it starts early, runs later, or even takes an evening off but it pops frequently during those times. 1-2 games going at a time usually.
How much would it cost to upgrade a full new set of enchants? I wont have a main so it could be tough i assume

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