Worth playing a few games?

spuntik my boy whats up

Hello my favorite american plant. :)
Well $15 is literally less than 1 hour of working minimum wage in Sweden.
But I assume a portuguese man wouldn't want to spend half his annual salary on a video game.

Got to feed my fishes and cat bro.
Well $15 is literally less than 1 hour of working minimum wage in Sweden.

But I assume a portuguese man wouldn't want to spend half his annual salary on a video game. :rolleyes:
That's higher than the maximum on my country
feed your fishes to your cat. problem solved np

But that gives me no emotional reward, therefore I will get depressed, therefore I will have no conditions to work. :(
Hurrx and Sputnick comes back I will too hit me up
Love you hurrx, Vianco and synergy <3
Bumping this thread because it's relevant to my interest and I wouldn't bother to make a new one with exactly the same content (except for Patch 6.1).

Hello everyone,

I've been relatively absent for half an year now, and I wanted to ask you some questions:

1 -
Is it worth it coming back?
2 -
How often does the gulch pop?
3 -
Any new guilds/old guilds still running?
4 -
Any old players/new players joining the gulch?
5 -
Any premades/casual premades going?

I've missed this game and community, but at the time people didn't just care about premading, besides (2) guilds. That was what the entire bracket was resumed to, so any attempts to revive a "same-faction" premade game went to waste (one of the reasons why I couldn't be bothered with this game anymore).

I was wondering if it's any better now.

1: As someone that actually plays I would always say yes its worth it.
2: It starts poppin around 6-7 pm and games are going till about 12. Most active in between 7:30-11:00 atm. Games usually pop w/o really pushing for it. At primetime you often get instant pops if you queue fast enough. Sometimes it takes a bit longer, that usually happens when new ppl queue for random bg or playing skirms meanwhile.
3: AOO and BLNT are really active atm. In the evenings there is an average of 6-8 people online in both guilds. There are a lot of small new guilds that are poppin up on other servers but nothing to serious I guess.
4: Lots of new players or at least I havent seen many of them before. Also some old players checking the bracket.
5: At this point we are not close to having premades. Its just more casual due to more people popping up (what is a good thing for start). I am sure if someone goes for it, you would be able to field 10 people on ally at least. Not sure about horde tho. Or well, the frenchs could possibly field a team. But maybe Stickerz will built something on Horde. At least he was talking about a comeback in his guild thread.

This bracket just revived 2-3 weeks ago. So expecting multiple premade ready guilds is a bit to much. But overall we are on a good way. Positive things compared to MOP (and thats my opinion):
- Skirms : They are really fun when multiple teams queue up. Keeps people on their twinks.
- Balance: I do feel it is way better than MOP. More variety. More survivabilty. Melee are very strong while ranged are still viable (not like in MOP where every melee was a liability). WSG is still focused on midgame but I think its faster paced. At least I had more flagroom kills, repicks etc in the past 2 weeks than I had in whole MOP. But it is still a twink bracket and therefore you still have to deal with broken classes like feral that can oneshot you and its still bursty.

Thats my impression from the past 2-3 weeks on EU.
Have come back to the bracket myself. I played vanilla-s9 and twinked from vanilla-start of wotlk. I was on misery Aerie Peak though.

The bracket has quite a range of diversity in terms of player ability at present. Classes actually appear to be the most balanced and diverse I ever saw in the bracket, but I didn't play in cata/mop.

I do wish I still had my old account, lots of lovely GF'd items on there including a rogue with admirals... Oh well! You will find me on my ally mage (Nís) and horde hunter (Shámblés) not taking life too seriously.

If any of the active guilds are recruiting on either side I am interested in joining and happy to play high utility classes with an aim to win.

In answer to your questions, I think now is a good time to come back, as activity is good and picking up I imagine it will be good to be part of it as it grows again.

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