World pvp thread . (Glorified ganking)


Well with the increase in 24's and all that sometimes bgs can lead to unhealthy actions such as head bashing , keyboard tossing , and cat kicking .

So here I present world pvp !

Well there are deffinately different levels of wpvp u can kindah determine by lvl of the zone .
Some of the more known places are ashenvale ,duskwood , and stv.

Some of the highly populated lower lvl spots are kurzen compound and the horde side entry to ashenvale.

But the question is if you bring a group of ppl stacked to the teath with hit rating what are some even higher lvl zones that you could conquer ? And which of the higher lvl zone would be more populated ?
Hello Bend :)

and to answer your question, there are multiple zones in which you could participate in world pvp.

Some zones off of the top of my head include duskwood, northern stranglethorn, arathi highlands, wetlands, hillsbrad foothills, redridge mountains,ashenvale, stonetalon mountains and possibly descolace if you're feeling froggy :) my guess would be most if not all of those zones would be highly populated if you are crz'd with multiple realms.

I'm sure there are more that could be listed but its past 1:00 am over here on the east coast and i'm getting readyt o hit the hay, so I hope those helped :)

Edit: just read the question clearly lol, higher lvl zones? I would say both stvs, tanaris, un'goro crater, swamp of happiness, badlands, that zone with the dark portal that I can't remember the name of, winterspring, felwood, and... if you are feeling extra extra extra brave, I would say try your luck in hellfire peninsula :)
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Granted, this didn't take place at a high level zone, however:

Highest I've personally seen (which is not much) was a party of somewhat-more-than-5 F2Ps counter-wiping one fresh DK who attempted to wipe us by Gurubashi Arena. Of course some of us were 2-shotted, but overall the party kept that DK down. However, most of us weren't armed to the teeth (note: teeth, not teath) with hit, and had at least 2 hunters, at a time when hunters weren't dodge able (Cata).
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But the question is if you bring a group of ppl stacked to the teath with hit rating what are some even higher lvl zones that you could conquer ?
In my humble opinion, upper bound is somewhere below Hellfire (in Outland), assuming a party of 5+ can currently tame at least one level 58 dk (or something else).

And which of the higher lvl zone would be more populated ?
Quantitatively, one can check how many are in a zone by checking /who in each zone, which even lists players from other servers (but in same crz group) now. Time of day, and day of the week matters, among other variables.

Party and group comps will also matter, unfortunately. Spell casters have double the miss chance, leaving healers, melees, and… hunters.
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I approve of this thread in all it's entirety. Great idea, and something i'd totally want to be a part of. And unlike 90% of when i say that, i actually mean it :p

Anything world pvp is usually fun, hopefully someone can organize something soon, because i'm too lazy. But i'd love to take part in it.

Good thinking :)
I saw a video of a full raid of lvl 1 mages taking down a 90 DK.

The downside is that a full raid requires p2p...

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I'm not gonna lie. I have a wicked hangover. I just saw the thread title and read 'glorified spanking.' I did a double take. Then burst out laughing. :) happy new year :)

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My first server when I started playing WoW was a PVP server. As I understand it, there are two primary PVP servers for F2P in the US: BWL for Horde, and Vashj for Alliance. Is this correct?
Yes bwl is the top horde pvp realm without a Doupt and vashj has done well lately as well so each would be the best respective choice for wpvp

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