World PvE Content?


New Member
Is there anything cool to do in the world besides quest? Like for example are there any World Elites that could be treated as a personal world boss or an area that you could group up and take down like a raid? idk hopefully ya get my drift. Just looking for some open world hard but possible content thats fun. All ideas welcome!
I know it's still questing but I'm about to finish Loremaster for Kalimdor which has been fun. Finished EK about a month ago.

Rep grinds have been enjoyable. All the Agrent Crusade/Dawn quests were fun especially all the ones in Eastern Plaguelands. Furbolg rep is pretty easy for the grind. Lots of toys and mounts/pets from rep grinding.

Hunting rares for transmog sets is another one that will send you adventuring.

Also Classic Dungeonmaster requires you to solo the part of Stratholme that isn't available in dungeon finder. Soloing dungeons without the ooze trinket is still a fun challenge.

I recently got the DMF cannon so I can solo two of the BC dungeons you can only get to with that.

Really you have to look at the limitations you have and then find out how to push them in game.
I can only speak for 30s, but soloing dungeons (without broken trinkets ofc) can be super fun and/or challenging depending on the place. Rep grinds can be fun aswell (imagine 35s and you grind Isle of Thunder/Molten Front regularly), but they're not for me (as I've every single one several times over over the years).

Draenor and Legion may have some rares that can be doable and recently I tried my hand at getting the explorer achievement for DF on my lvl 30.
Nok-karosh is quite a chalenge to solo, of you dont cheat with trinkets, wod, mount dropping wolf

and darkmoon faire has quite a lot of challenges, like rocker boss

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