World first brd lolol

i SO want to watch that. alas i hate dling videos....plz make streaming if possible!
Spooksters said:
Same here...I want to watch it, but ugh...DL'ing stuff makes me nervous :/

Seriously? Like do you guys own anti virus? I dl tons of firefront movies, I also scan every download.
its not that im scared of DLing stuff, just find it such a hassle =/

much much much rather just stream a video or watch it via youtube. hah dont take offense, i trust you not to give us a virus or anything.
keep me posted, i'll be up for at least another hour. prolly a bit longer.
Filefront has to approve it then it will be up.

It is also being uploaded to WCM as I type.
heh tried this 4 man today, but couldn't beat the instance boss.

Additional servers can not be launched......for about 20mins before we called it.
Spooksters said:
and do own anti virus crap and I scan everything I Dl...I just don't like DL'ing stuff :p

two of i kind!

...i wuv you?
Good video, you can actually see the difficulty ramp up as it gets harder and harder to hit things as time goes on. Congrats on the victory.

One thing though, please pick some better music next time. I had to mute it and keep it that way because my ears just couldn't take it anymore.
One thing though, please pick some better music next time. I had to mute it and keep it that way because my ears just couldn't take it anymore.

We have succeeded.

And you missed out on the funny part at the end then. Vent convo was amazing.
Falkor said:
two of i kind!

...i wuv you?

Back off buddy, hes my canadian.

But yeah, theres something about downloading that I hate. I can never find the file, and then it's a pain to wait 10min for the download and shit, I just dont know : /

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