World First 100k hk's @ Level One


New Member
So, ye, that just happend.

Me and a friend of mine started making our lvl 1 twinks as a time-killing activity while waiting for WoTLK. We started out with getting the [Insignia of the Alliance], which took ~1 hour, (875 honor points) and then we were making jokes about getting more hk's and thougt it would be nice to get the title "of the Alliance" at lvl 1. The joke became reality.

We were farming for almost everyday in ~6 weeks, with multiple accounts, min-maxing gear, buffs, spots and layers for the ultimate speed and at last, we were there, at the end.

There's some old videos and documentation about level 1's getting 100hk back in retail, but I havn't heard or seen anyone in Classic getting this achivement yet.

Ferja of the Alliance
<Project One>
Earthshaker - EU
Ferja 3.jpg
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LMAO already?? Holy shit.

That's ridiculously impressive, grats. You can go outside and get some fresh air now.
I can only bow down and say, big gratz to you and your friend, for having gotten the 100k already. Such a big milestone for any level 1 to ever achive / strife for. I myself never even achived it in retail on my level 1. And this been accomplished in what 6ish weeks. Thats impressive.
Congrats but what was the method because there is tos implications if you used multiboxing software with alt accounts using a macro ect and im wondering if weakauras could be used ect

bruh you're killing me. :NotLikeThis:

Also here is a macro that you can spam for release spirit/accept rez at spirit healer. Doesnt work the first time, but once you get rolling it works.

/run RepopMe()AcceptResurrect()AcceptXPLoss()

Question for OP @Ferja , which GY did you use? So far I have not found any GY that allows you to interact with the Spirit Healer without needing to move forward an inch.
Did this for 1 hour on the western coastal GY in STV and got called a bot by a passer-by. Hoping he didn't report me. Idk if this is legal or not. I'm multiboxing but no programs involved, just good old alt tabbing with quite a powerful macro LOL.
Did this for 1 hour on the western coastal GY in STV and got called a bot by a passer-by. Hoping he didn't report me. Idk if this is legal or not. I'm multiboxing but no programs involved, just good old alt tabbing with quite a powerful macro LOL.
I’ve had several people whisper me. I’m reporting you for botting. enjoy the ban. Nothing ever happens because I don’t use any programs. As long as you’re not breaking terms blizz doesn’t care if you spend money on multiple accounts. There’s a dude on our server that has 20 accounts.
I’ve had several people whisper me. I’m reporting you for botting. enjoy the ban. Nothing ever happens because I don’t use any programs. As long as you’re not breaking terms blizz doesn’t care if you spend money on multiple accounts. There’s a dude on our server that has 20 accounts.
Yeah I couldn't find anything online yesterday regarding open world honor farms being against EULA/TOS. I don't run any programs either. Ppl just feel uncomfortable with seeing weird shit happening at GYs.
Insane! Well done man, I attempted to do this back in the day wotlk/cata on my level one hunter with my friend multiboxing with F2P accounts, think I made it to 30k HK's then cba'd haha :D
Thanks for the response!

There were no multiboxing software included in our method and we did it with only 2 persons with 4 accounts in total; the 2 twinks, a lvl 70 warrior and a lvl 5 horde. Warrior was killing the horde at a gy over and over again, more specific 100 000 times. As far as i know this should be 100% legit, although we probobly got reported by some people running by.
Hey, can I join your guild? It’s for 1lvls right?
[doublepost=1664534258,1664534026][/doublepost]And by the way, can i find out what gear you have? I only have a keen-machete
at the moment.

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