WoD Skirmishes

I hope so
I think in WoD 60 will be the most horrible level to twink at. DPS/3, 60 twinks have like 20% crit... l o l. I didn't know there were twinks with 20% crit, ful epic geared.

Multistrike what a bunch of crap. Oh yeah let's take some crit off just so we can add a "cool" new (useless) stat that do some ultra-ultra weak supra rng damage/dot/whatever that nobody cares about.
I will surely miss the old fast gameplay with 10k crits, all or nothing. Now you will be lucky to even crit for 1k out of 15k hp, if even you get to crit!

If you guys skipped this entire expansion because you didn't have the heart to take what MoP had to offer, may gods have mercy on your soul. I know many people that have booked their flight to level 100 already. Oh well I forget, you guys might just like it, now you can do duels that last 30minutes and feel like you are so good at this game because you can never die. Not losing kinda feels like winning I suppose.

I'm only 20% excited about WoD. Skirmishes ? lol...
I mean I can't even one shot a mob of my level anymore, how are noobs in green gonna kill a mob, hopefully they can't. Oh well they have so much hp now, it's just gonna take a looong time. Then open browser, book 90 character boost. Maybe that's why they made 60 the most shitty bracket, since you get free profession 600, they are most likely to pay.

In other news get over your fears people.
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