WoD Alpha - Information

what slots aren't enchant able? do armor kits (glove reinforcements and heavy borean armor kit) still give 24 and 14 stam respectively?
Can you give some information on items that will be grandfathered?
Heavy Runecloth Badages healing 1840hp

Skirmish feature not being seen on my 19s now.

Ele shamans are quire clunky now. Sit and shoot. No slows (not even TS, its just a Knockback now) so kiting will be difficult.
i'm on the beta now. got my 19 xferd over and was messing with it today. its kinda nuts not gunna lie. i'll do more testing tomorrow if any of you others are down. i'm on lost isles
There is a question I thought I would ask here. with the brackets once again becoming 10-19 20-29 30-39 so on so forth, are they still going to scale low level toons to the max level of the bg? could you imagine a lvl 10 rogue with bis gear being scaled to 19, talk about insane stats

Q: "I know low lvl pvp isn't priority, but any chance we'll ever see gear options for pvp leveling (honor purchased)?"
A: "We want to expand on it, but we won't have the time just yet."

Potentially some low level PvP gear some day?

I wonder where it falls on the list of features they plan to add "some day".

*cough* dance studio *cough*

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