Wintergrasp Twink??

there is a thread i came across on wow forums where Drayner's post is. i haven't seen no comments on here.

it is titled Wintergrasp Twinks??

i don't have wotlk yet, but was amazed to see this, players talking that they have seen 19-49 twinks in the BG. lots of talk how if affects the tenacity buff for being short, etc. players as low as 13 have been seen in WG

some want a level nerf, etc

all in all, i was surprized

there are other thread titles too on this

"Wintergrasp Level Limit"

"Low Level Toons in WG"

"Are Levels Under 70 Supposed to be able to"

"Lake Wintergrasp Level Requirement"
its because people want fast honor now for things like Battle standards and stuff or a fast insignia
already have the battle standard, do you still get wintergrasp marks at lvl 19?

oh, and the NPCs there don't give exp, do they?

Edit: lol, i'd love to see a 19 twink with like, tenacity 10 owning lvl 80's.

edit2: is WG a decent way to farm HK's? im looking for a decent way to get 'Of the horde' title without doing 9 million BG's or having to get myself a whole new DPSgear set.
i hadn't heard about this, considering i haven't even hit 80 yet and only went to wg once by accident, i really dont know much about it, do you discover the hole place when you get there? i might drop my hunter off there just to try it....or ill just wait till 80 on my rogue and then do it..
this is nothing new- when BC came hout, Twinks would fight/heal/support in Halaa all the time; same with Helfire (in a group w/ a higher level, in my XP) WG is just a logical extension. I can say that, because you can enter the zone on foot or via flight (Hummm- maybe I should start a Taxi service w/ my Armored Snow Griff!) they'll not be able to keep us out.

As for the fight itself- it's a BLAST at any level, but you can really only get the full experience at +75- Think of it as a AV that, in stead of having has 15 in raid, you have 2-3 raids of 40!

Crazy fun!
This sounds pretty fun. I mean, about on avg. how many Wg's would you need to do or participate in to obtain enough honor for your battlestandard?
I did about 5-6 WG matches on my 19 priest, and I have Battle Standrad, PvP Trinket (which now got replaced with the BoA one) and an extra 2-3k Honor with nothing to spend it on.
is most of that honor from HK's or what?
I'm not sure on the exact figures, but you get honor based on how many kills you (or the raid) acquire. Kills=rank. So, if you jump in at the very beginning and are able to get in-raid (without being kicked) then, on Defense all you need to do is get into a cannon and start firing- once you hit Lt. Commander (I think) you can pilot vehicles and actually contribute. If you're on Offense, then it's a lot harder- there are guards that give XP, so you're really risking leveling... Best to get to the closest captured seige factory, and wait 2-4 minutes; then either pilot (if you have the rank by then) or hop on one for the ride, and soak up the honor.

Bonus if you win/loose/play enough to get 9 commendations, cause then you can buy 2k more honor via the token (must be occupying WG) and use it, or mail it to another twink. (Personally, the XP gains scare the poop outta me, so I farm the shards on one of my 80's. It's slower, as I'm only 1/2 way there after a week and a half, but safer).

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