yo i noticd u were using some soundeffects typed out such as "boom" 2 give it a nostalgic comic book feel here's some other ones u could try 2 work into future videos i rly hope this list helps and u could do that
blip, vrroom, weeoooweeooo, zap, zwweee, voosh, kablamo, vwwreee, kapow, kaboom, bang!
All the rogues going rithination spec now. Good vid bro
except the burst provided by ambush->5 points as sub will always be better in arena especially with priest bubbles, in warsong its probably more even but u dont get globals like u can as sub
Me and oneid came to a conclusion that sub<assassination because of the damage aspect... The speed does make a big difference but if you have a bunch of speed pots it is so much better than sub also more fun imo