Will there be a F2P PVP overhaul in TWW?


Life is too busy now, I don't have the time and energy to learn new games, sure I still have fun here and there in hearthstone but it doesn't feel nearly as good as WoW.

Looking back, around this time was the most fun I had in recent years, but the queue merge made PvP go straight to video (resto shaman and hunter pwnage making PvP experience bad also didn't help in addition to the long queues).

I am just wondering if there is any realistic chance that blizz might merge the queue again, or raise the F2P cap to 30 (definitely more people will play F2P because of availability of raids, so queues will be short again).
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Sadly I doubt that.

All options have too much drawbacks and/or require too much focus to be worth it.

- Queue merging : Levellers will not be happy with this

- F2P in their own bracket : Worth a lengthy discussion but to make a shorter point F2P is to make people discover the game thus making F2P have their own bracket will still be a miserable PvP experience for someone getting started. The target audience of F2P would not benefit from it thus Blizz most likely won't make that happen.

- Raising the F2P cap : WoW has a lot of "collection" element to it which would mean that some of their paying customers would have a reason to stop subbing while doing thei preferred gameplay. Shallow argument I know but I also believe that Blizz just don't want to. Also I doubt that a new level cap would do much, 39 would become the new 29 (idk if the power gap would be as noticeable) and most pure F2P would have so much PvE content that they might not dabble into PvP.

Currently unless you do wargames I don't think you'll find much PvP

Tbh a way to get PvP to work is -in my humble opinion- to try and regulate it ourselves. It may be quite idealistic but Imma explain how I see it.
So we'd basically have to agree on rules -some examples : have to be level 20, no SL gems to avoid an F2P/Vet gap, banning broken talents like https://www.wowhead.com/spell=191634/stormkeeper ...-
This way we can make the ruleset evolve with patches, have a community vote on our game and basically try to have -at least somewhat- balanced PvP

How do we make people follow said rules ? Cuz let's face it almost no one will care and we have no way to hard-code rules into WoW.

I had several ideas -which are admittedly shaky at best- that would work more or less together and require a lot of good will from everyone :

- "Registering" our characters : by that I mean making our toons public on the XPoff forums which (give access to our armories) thus giving us somewhat of an ability to check for rulebreaking.
- In the same vein it would also be useful to make our toons recognizable in BG's with an addon like TRP (my best example sorry) where we'd be able to write down who does the toon belong to for easier regulation
That means we'd have to do somewhat of a "BG police" and check and report if they see any rulebreaking behavior on their or the opposing team and have the rulebreakers be warned (since a good portion of them would be accidental) or kicked if they keep doing it over several BG's.
- Use wargames as a basis to try such a system since it would already be more coordinated PvP

I don't see this becoming anything but hey, just putting some ideas out there if they're bad then so be it but I think there's potential with a small community like us with -comparatively to other games communities- little toxicity.

So yeah prolly very little hope for a PvP scene like we had in SL and I've come to extreme lenghts of coping since I've barely PvP'ed at that time.
I don't see this becoming anything but hey, just putting some ideas out there if they're bad then so be it but I think there's potential with a small community like us with -comparatively to other games communities- little toxicity.
Who knows, things may change with the introduction of cross-realm guilds. From my experience, most 20s don't really interact with these forums or the associated discords. They're more likely to be in a social group/community or guild in-game.
While I know F2Ps are barred from guild invites, it could at least help a bit with the organizational aspect for Vet accounts that would be required here, because it's a fun idea, and I believe some guilds already try this.

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