Wierd question about names and Brambleking


Just a wierd question about this staff.

I had a character named X, which had the staff.
I decided to delete that char and open a new one, same class, same race, same name.
Reached lvl 20, went for the staff - it didnt trop. well ok, only 40%.

Right now im on the 7th char, the staf didnt drop once.

It has something to do with the name of the character?
Thanks in advance.
May I ask why you want this staff? Is it because spellhance built?

Are you talking about this one?

yes this is the staff,
TBH i dont know what is the spellhance built,
but i just want to have it, to know that i have a staff that has only 1 chance to drop, haha
just stop, it has been nerfed

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