The problem is just that Vanilla in 2019 isn't the same as in 2004 as Vanilla as an Expansion's only really fun when it's new and unknown as the underlying game mechanics are mostly very grindy and not very fun/engaging.
This, in turn will likely lead to it crashing and burning a few months into the launch, and thus generate a bad/skewed datapoint.
That being said, maybe it's for the best. I have little trust, if any at all left in Fucktivision-Blizztards to not fuck it up, unfortunately.
This, in turn will likely lead to it crashing and burning a few months into the launch, and thus generate a bad/skewed datapoint.
That being said, maybe it's for the best. I have little trust, if any at all left in Fucktivision-Blizztards to not fuck it up, unfortunately.