EU+US Why tink?


I love twinking. Been doing nothing but twinking in WoW since Wrath. But this far along, and it doesn't look like it's ever going to get any better.
At the time of posting this, I had just played 3 games, all in WSG, and lost all 3 because the enemy team was just a bunch of fotm and if you are trying to have fun playing tier3 classes like a mage.... anyway, I just want to say something to all the druids, priests, monks, and arms warriors who never touched fury. YOU'RE KILLING THE GAME FOR ME.
I know twinking has always been about fotm, but these days with such long queue times, it simply isn't desirable anymore to wait an hour just to get thrashed over and over again. I had just won 12 games in a row of Heroes of the Storm(which is completely fun and free) and then just for laughs decided to queue up in WoW.
Why twink? It's gotten to the point that the only reason I play WoW anymore is because I feel obliged to since I put so much time an effort into my account. Is it time to say farewell to this game, or will it ever get any better?
(autocorrect isn't letting me say tw ink)
Lots of similar feels. I play WoW for the community (as shitty as it is) and probably out of boredom at this point thus why I spend so much time trolling and triggering people. I do what I can to push away FotM but they're fickle creatures who are immune to logic and reason while also completely lacking empathy or the ability to play objectively for wins instead of just HK's in mid / GY. It's tiresome playing games where there's consistently 50% of both teams playing ferals / brews / rogues going full AP mongo and 1 shotting people.

I think if the bracket really wants to go in a positive direction the community needs to step up and start reporting people AFK if they're a scumbag FotM, as well as just plain not playing or supporting FotM whether through not playing with them or not funding them / including them in events. Like I've been doing since the beginning of WoD... another large reason that people dislike me is because I have standards but it's necessary to me to let them know people don't appreciate that kind of shit. It kills fun and the bracket. So don't tolerate FotM.

I don't think the game will get better honestly, there's always going to be some sort of unbalanced mechanic to take advantage of and people will always take advantage of it in large numbers regardless because there's that faceroll mentality, as well as a general lack of people playing necessary specs like non-disc healers and refusing to take time to figure shit out for themselves and learn mechanics. Lots of the biggest guilds and most well known / respected players are also notorious FotM at one point or another / scumbags that play with FotM and even fly hackers or bug abusers with jump macro's etc. which is really a deterrent for me when I see the community regard them well while knowing they do that kind of shit. But I guess I'm one of the handful in this bracket that sees shitters for what they really are.

Shoutout to all the non-fotm who share my ideals, or at least most of them.

TL;DR: Game sucks, has for a long time, and it's only downhill from here. Fuck FotM, don't play FotM or play with FotM.

p.s. All Hail the Pug Lord.
Logged on for the first time in months a few days back and ran into the same fotm-infested BGs you're talking about, and you're right, it's mind-numbingly pointless.

But, the next day I had some solid, fun games with little to no fotm- wins and losses, twas good times :)

Hit or miss I guess. There have been plenty, plenty of nights I've thought about logging on to my 29 instead of sc2 or w/e and then just didn't, because I didn't feel like dealing with the form.

I'm pretty awesome at shaming fotm fuckboys, though.
Dont like ,quite wow then. Dont blame ppl and dont say that they are stupid if play fotm,maybe they like a class and play it since tbc
Having self-righteousness in such a niche bracket is silly. You won't control other people that do what they wanna do no matter how many moral standards you make up
Considering the release-date for the Warcraft movie is supposed to be some time in June, the pre-patch for Legion is most likely coming up very, very soon(if months go by as fast for you as they do for me). My main inspiration for playing f2p anymore is just grabbing all the gear that isn't considered to be BiS currently so that I may finally be "prepared" for Legion.....just in case.

There's only one spec left to be open for testing in the Alpha. All the zones have been unlocked and I feel that beta will come very soon. Hopefully we will have some tinkers in Beta to give us some more information to go off of regarding what kind of gear to shoot for in Legion.
Uh I just twink to uh kill shiters who think they're good. Im still shit tier status but not shit shit tier. Its actually very hard to farm them all bcuz there is so many of them and its only you vs many. Multiboxing makes it possible but its still very difficult and unfortunately you are very limited to what you can do. When they get farmed they become more docile and domesticated( eg leave or go afk in the GY) instead of the aggressive variants you find in bgs.

I love tinking. Been doing nothing but tinking in WoW since Wrath. But this far along, and it doesn't look like it's ever going to get any better.
At the time of posting this, I had just played 3 games, all in WSG, and lost all 3 because the enemy team was just a bunch of fotm and if you are trying to have fun playing tier3 classes like a mage.... anyway, I just want to say something to all the druids, priests, monks, and arms warriors who never touched fury. YOU'RE KILLING THE GAME FOR ME.
I know tinking has always been about fotm, but these days with such long queue times, it simply isn't desirable anymore to wait an hour just to get thrashed over and over again. I had just won 12 games in a row of Heroes of the Storm(which is completely fun and free) and then just for laughs decided to queue up in WoW.
Why tink? It's gotten to the point that the only reason I play WoW anymore is because I feel obliged to since I put so much time an effort into my account. Is it time to say farewell to this game, or will it ever get any better?
(autocorrect isn't letting me say tink)
I don't mean to make light of this email, but I chuckled when I read this. It reminded me of a horror night I had once playing end game bg's. I've always played Ally, always have, always will, and this one night was freaking horrid. Ally couldn't buy a win, nor could they score a root in a brothel that night and I lost 7 games straight. It was very late at night / early morning and I was absolutely fuming. It's the closet I've come wanting to picking up my monitor and throwing it out the window. Also was feeling like deleting my main that night.
So I hear ya.
Thankfully those nights are few and far between.
So I'm sorry for making light of it, but I know very well those feelings. Give it a day or so and you'll be right ;)

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