Why the removal of 20-24?

I've heard people say "___ will kill twinking" since Vanilla.

F2P twinks won't be killed off until it's made impossible.

Also: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/world-of-warcraft-starter-edition

Is quite inaccurate.

You can be in other channels and talk in them, other than party/say.
Trade skills may be set at 100, but secondary skills (Still count as trade skills, do they not?) can go well past that, despite having the "Capped" message displaying, which kind of seems as if it was unintentional.

XP off did kind of kill twinking.

You can also type in /instance chat, in both BGs and dungeons. That's only a recent change though, so they may not have bothered updating it. F2P could always type in /bg chat, which was also never mentioned.

The profession thing is interesting. I'm pretty sure it's intentional. Although I noticed the cap message too. They changed it a while back. Originally, to upgrade your professions, you needed a book, or to do a quest, and those had both level and skill level requirements. Also, at level 20, your weapon skills would also max out at 100. On my old characters, they still had these skills, because on the FoS for having 400 unarmed skill, I could still see the unarmed skill. I don't think the skill played a part in weapon damage or hit chance though since they removed it.

I also think the pet battles happened pretty randomly. They didn't work for whatever reason, then decided to add it to the FAQ. It's unclear whether they intended to exclude F2P from pet battles from the start, or if they realized they didn't work and then just never decided to make them work.
First time hearing this, heart broken, my beloved Ne hunter I cant get to PvP anymore...I am sad, truly sad... Full of Rage but sad, ill use this anger to become the Dark Knight, the hero Blizzard needs but doesn't deserve.
View attachment 4275
As an F2P you cant turn your xp off at 19, as soon as you enter an instances bg's, dungeons, or raids it resets your status to xp on so its a waste of 10g, this change, unless the gear we can get scales extremely well will most likely kill the F2P bracket by make the playing field so far from level that no one will have fun with it, the 20's will get so sick of being destroyed y 1-2 29's that they will stop playing, or just run arena with other lv 20's, and the 29's will get so bored of winning games single-handedly and one-shoting people that they will move to other brackets. This excludes obvious outliers like the die hard F2P that will play no matter what and the 29's who just enjoy picking on toons that have no chance against them, but the vast majority will probably leave if you ask me.

This Change will be interesting. I could consider my self as a die hard f2p player. Every time I see a 24 I kill them. Especially if they area 24 hunter. I like being on the top. I dont see how these 29s will be a challenge. Give it time and they will leave and now you will see who the true players are of this bracket.
XP off did kind of kill twinking.

You can also type in /instance chat, in both BGs and dungeons. That's only a recent change though, so they may not have bothered updating it. F2P could always type in /bg chat, which was also never mentioned.

The profession thing is interesting. I'm pretty sure it's intentional. Although I noticed the cap message too. They changed it a while back. Originally, to upgrade your professions, you needed a book, or to do a quest, and those had both level and skill level requirements. Also, at level 20, your weapon skills would also max out at 100. On my old characters, they still had these skills, because on the FoS for having 400 unarmed skill, I could still see the unarmed skill. I don't think the skill played a part in weapon damage or hit chance though since they removed it.

I also think the pet battles happened pretty randomly. They didn't work for whatever reason, then decided to add it to the FAQ. It's unclear whether they intended to exclude F2P from pet battles from the start, or if they realized they didn't work and then just never decided to make them work.

Well, it certainly damaged it. I guess I just can't consider twinking killed or dead, when there's enough people around that multiple twink brackets maintain themselves decently active, and this site along with the twink threads on Battle.net stay active. But I see your point, and yeah, I don't think anyones going to argue that twinking now isn't what it was in BC.

Now, I'll admit I've never actually waited on it to pop, but I've noticed you can do pet battles via the queuing method, instead of the in world method. That's a bit weird, I think.

Yeah, I think there was a possibility it was a technical issue, and they just decided to not fix it for F2P, given the message "Failed to create pet battle" instead of something similar to the message we get when accessing mail/AH/trade/etc.
24s were finding it difficult to win if there were only two or three on a team.
Three 24s in a premade can easily beat an f2p premade if they know what they're doing...

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It's obviously an anti F2P developer.

Or it could be by making brackets 0-9 again, they are merging 0-4 and 5-9 and effectively halving queues across all brackets.

Imma go with the F2P conspiracy, it's more fun...
Three 24s in a premade can easily beat an f2p premade if they know what they're doing...

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I'd argue two f2p with decent teamwork would out-preform a 24... But I suppose it depends on who we're talking about.
Sure they can outperform one 24. A competent 24s premade, however, is another story.

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