why pizza not mvp???

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Pizza said:
I could definitely use a larger inbox. I am forced to delete my messages throughout the week to make room for new ones. I could see myself adding more things to my signature too if it was expanded.

I know they used to give out the rank to members who made detailed guides, but you would have to send a PM of your guide to a moderator. I never got around to doing that, but I'll do that now if the offer still stands. The larger inbox and expanded signature does sound appealing!

Yeah we're still doing it. I made it clear at the time that you'd have to contact us, not the other way round, so if you want your bigger inbox shoot us a PM :p

Edit: I'll take a gander at it later btw. Busy now.
I don't like his style but he has done alot for the bracket.
i think the real question is how is that falkor guy not a mvp
saxxon why are you not mvp?!?!? you a good twinker and is helpful
Kore nametooshort said:
Yeah we're still doing it. I made it clear at the time that you'd have to contact us, not the other way round, so if you want your bigger inbox shoot us a PM :p

Edit: I'll take a gander at it later btw. Busy now.

Thanks Kore!

Drayner said:
Like what? I mean here on TI, he's posted a good hunter guide, but besides that, what has he provided the 19 community?

Unless of course you find the following things helping, I don't see it. I see that he creates discontent.

1. Teaches 19 community how to preserve personal w/l record by afking out of games he would lose.

2. Taught how to play hunter through gearing a playstyle that requires healbots.

3. Taught others how to avoid rematches against teams that they didn't steamroll.

4. Taught other GMs that GY camping is ok as long as it's for an achievement.

Ok, i'll stop there.

As the former admin/owner of this site, I can tell you as a site member, he used to be useless. 90% of his posts were either some self promo or a stupid picture or video with no relevance to the subject. He'd have 100+ more posts here if I wouldn't have deleted many of those useless posts.

I will admit, his poaching/recruiting of great players does show that he is a VERY good leader and I commend him for that. A good basketball coach is only as good as his assistants and he's brought that talent to the way he runs a guild. I can't argue that.

EDIT: TwinkInfo staff should give him a title for 2 reasons, he made a good guide and he made the "Meet the Twinks" 2 times.

Meet the Twinks – Pizza Part 2

Interesting read, thanks. I <3'd your Meet the Twinks.
Sàxxon said:
i dont undesrtand pizza make high successful 19 twink guide and is a respected twink in bracket but he is not MVP (green name) ? anyone know why?? he also have 200k HK so idk what the mods have against him?

This is a very admirable concern you have here Sax, but sorry it won't get you in WT =/
Drayner said:
You know the part about why I hate you guys afking where I talked about the people getting ****ed by getting into a game only to take a quick 30 second loss? Ya, well it happened to me 2x this week. 2nd time it happened, the 1st things I saw in /bg was, "Pizza and his guys afked, must mean we lose"... 30-40 seconds, I take a loss. Not that I care about a loss, but waiting in the queue to get into a 30 second game that ya'll lost already sucks. Thanks for that.

exactly shoot him shoot pizza
Warcraftnick said:
He is in WT already.

Just armory him.

Lolz, nice stunt Sax

Do you people really truly care about TI status? Not sure whether to LOL or insert 'I don't want to live on this planet anymore' meme.
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