lol ? I guess you just really have nothing to say.
or maybe you are dodging on purpose
2+2 is easy to learn , you know it's one of the first thing you learn when you are 5-6 years old. WoW is also easy to learn , obviously there is a few twist to it since the rules are not as explicit as a math equation. I will repeat it an other time so you stop dodging , I am not saying learning wow is the samething as learning 2+2 , I am simply stating that they are both easy to learn BY MOST PEOPLE which make it easy in my opinion.
however it changes nothing about the concept that WoW is easy to learn for most people including 12 years old . You seem really stubborn , just live with it , no skill in 19s or very little skills that almost every 12 years old have ... pick one
P.S. I really like the fact that you had nothing to say so you just went over the whole point just to point out that math is not like an online game O RLY SHERLOCK ?!?. It made me laught , that was a nice dodge.