Why people so mad all the time.

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Playing arenas last night Rogue Disco, ( I know QQ OP setup w/e) We come across a Duel wielding 71 DK with synapse and 2x Niffs, he beats us 1st game didn't realize he had niffs ect. I see that they are 2200 mmr which is ridiculous as the season just started fresh mmr. we then beat them 8 times in a row, And he atculy loggs on and msg me. Why do people get so mad of losing, I mean yes I have synapse and Priest has tazik lol, and yes im a rogue and Run pve gear, which only makes it easier for him to one shott me. But he atculy gets so mad he sends me this msg, People need to chill out, at least 2/10 teams i beat will send me a similar msg, People are either always angry or just Bads and cant take losing.
AV is where you find most of the idiots, it's usually a mage that starts going on about how he is going to 'carry the team', because he got 30kb's in his last BG in the 15-19 bracket, I'm guessing..

Ah well... enjoy the lols
Personally only time i rage at people is when i consistently outplay them and lose for no real reason, other than that meh, if i lose and deserve to lose cause my team played bad then there is no reason to qq.

this, even tho you should always blame the game and not the player, but for example I can't avoid to /emote spit or rofl everytime I see a 74
Go 52-0 in a non-premade battleground, just bouncin' around taking popshots. Usually have at least 1-2 level 1s whisper me daily, Saying hunters take no skill, they should remove X ability, Nerf chimera, i got carried by tazik, if i didn't use RoS he would have killed me, if i didn't tazik he would have outskilled, yadda yadda.

As i see it, if you don't get a whisper like that, at least every other day, you aren't trying hard enough.

And can't help but sighing with Aimed, chimera and tazik don't break through a mages and/or priests' shields.

Oh well, People get beaten, they always need to find an excuse. Mine is My internet is sheep-powered, and i'm in pve gear.
I think i miss the point of this thread, i'm not sure if there was a point.

People have always and will always get angry for loosing, in every competition / sport / activity.
One thing I get mad about is vsing rogue/priest combo's.. I global the rogue and he cheats death just to be popped by a priest bubble.. damn it.. maybe next shatter.
I think i miss the point of this thread, i'm not sure if there was a point.

People have always and will always get angry for loosing, in every competition / sport / activity.

It is what we call a "Hey look at me!!1!" thread.
This shit makes me laugh. I have even had this at 30-39 ages ago, people raging and making a level one on my server. However I am usually nice and polite and they usually end up being civil.

I even ended up becoming good friends with one guy from my server who logged and raged at me from Alliance side, we now regularly BG and twink together.
At 60 I migrated to, and switched allegiance to the faction of the person who made a level 1 and whispered me. Also this thread looks like epeen flexing.
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