Why not some No '' insert class'' Week end event

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Idk i just tought of this silly idea why not having some week end where you cant queue with a certain class. Like imagine a weekend with no Hunter. and then no rogue, no pally etc...

Knowing there wont be any of the week end class changes totally the strategy of the game. if you know there is no stealth rogue FC duty isnt the same and everything else either. Then imagine hunters it could be hella fun having more melee pvping. There is plenty situation that would be changed by knowing a class isnt there. Knowing a class wont be there this week end could bring some more fun to the game i think. Sure some people dont all check twinkinfo but majority of the twink community does, it could work fine even if we had a little we would still have rly less.
Instead of No <class> weak how about no hunters at all. If their were no hunters in this bracket it would be a lot more enjoyable.

Just a btw i like this idea would be fun but of course there are people who do not care and those who do not know about this site so they may just end up queuing as the Class that is not allowed.
Well yea but it would still lower the quantity of that '' class '' for the week end. And we could also all report them afk lol.
pretty good idea and im sure alot of ppl have great ones like tht to but sadly ppl wont just do it, say if someone only has 1 twinks example i only have a war, now say one week is no wars idc il go play black ops or pokemon, but some ppl will be aholes and play their class anyway

great idea maybe someday if entire 19 brackets goes on TI and they all agree on something like this cool idea might happen but until then dont get ur hopes up.

also i agree with the no hunters lol im taking a break from WoW because the 19 bracket is just ugh atm
Good idea but Let's say you cut op classes: as the majority of twinks go for op / popular classes (hunters, holydin and priests atm as op and rogues -it's more lke a tradition for them). If you cut them you end up with a really small number of players. I am not sure it would work.

It's too bad because having harcasting classes in WG for exemple could be fun. But I am not sure I would like to join a paladin/priest team against another paladin/priest team as they pretty much broke this bracket.
It might be the best idea to have anyone on this sight, and any other hardcore twinks to support the idea of not playing those OP classes anymore. I know its not democratic, and infringes on your freedoms, but its the best way to keep the bracket active.

Also spreading the word about it might help as well.

Blizz slipped in some bracket destroying stuff and there has not been nearly enough outcry about it on the proper forums. Or there has been, and they are just to lazy to fix it.

Personally it is a lot of fun to level in bgs, I just wish they would try to make things a little more fair.
Afrodizia said:
And we could also all report them afk lol.

The only problem with that is just about 90% of the hunters I see in WSG just farm mid, camp GYs, ect.
Idk i was just shooting a Basic idea of somthing that we could work out all together to come up with something more donable. I know some players wouldnt listen ... ppl tend to be retarded and u can't just not count them in but at least if the real players would listen to this idea it could make this bracket more competitive. Usually the people who would listen to this idea are the core good players, the other noobs who dont no how to play their class.. who cares about them queueing the class that is prohibited, they arent a hard deal anywayz in the lot. At least if the good players would do it it would, i think, let a chance to the noobs and the people who just started twinking because we wouldnt be playing our main class character. So i think even for the people not listening to the event it would be benefical for both of us.
Definitely a cool idea to incorporate some diversity into games instead of the regular infinite WSGs...

Don't know about everybody else but after like 20 WSGs in a row I just cant do anymore for like a month.

Variety is the spice of life.

I agree it would be next to impossible to get everybody to go along with it since people have so much trouble getting along in general, but definitely some cool 'out of the box' thinking.
we need more ideas like this, im sure it would make premades a lot more fun, and maybe in the future we could get pugs to do so, we're all smart ppl(ok not all but you get what i mean) im sure we could all come up with great idea to make PvP more fun
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