Why no love for Demo Warlocks?

Yes but just ignore the level 30 shoulders, haha! I'm still working on the BOA's sadly. My trinket plans on being AGM when I'm finished.
i dont see why you mention glyph of felhunter in original post because every warlock gets that regardless of spec.

and if u want to talk about healing, 6% more healing vs no siphon life, its not really that much more healing if any more at all overall 1v1 vs like every class except rogues affliction is better ~_~

using up a fear DR cycle on a healer, spell locking a couple times, and then fel domming a succy for an entire seduce chain once DR wears off just seems like it would be completely GG. let me know if you try it!

i dont understand the point of that when you could just refear again once drs are up, why give up a 400 heal every 8 seconds and a interupt/silence just so you can use a instant fear that breaks on any damage?

and drs should be up about the time second spellock comes up
blue said:
i dont see why you mention glyph of felhunter in original post because every warlock gets that regardless of spec.

he mentions it so he can bring up the topic of 600+ heals from it.
blue said:
i dont understand the point of that when you could just refear again once drs are up, why give up a 400 heal every 8 seconds and a interupt/silence just so you can use a instant fear that breaks on any damage?

because it's instant. you have to stop dps 3 times to re-cast fear on your assist target, whereas a succubus can instantly seduce 3 times in a row, with absolutely no room for any kind of error.

in addition, your target sits in one place after being instantly seduced. it makes it almost too easy for say, a rogue partner to vanish + sap your seduced target for a good 20+ seconds more of CC, or your hunter teammate to freezing trap them for a good 20+ more, etc etc. it's like an extra blind + sap at level 39 (29 in my case, where you don't even have blind + sap to begin with).

obviously it's not going to be perfect in every situation, but there will be a lot of situations where having this flexibility would really pay off. and since a lot of the posters in this thread are interested in dueling, i can personally attest to instant seduce being AMAZING in many, many 1v1 situations.
Lloydganks said:
obviously it's not going to be perfect in every situation, but there will be a lot of situations where having this flexibility would really pay off. and since a lot of the posters in this thread are interested in dueling, i can personally attest to instant seduce being AMAZING in many, many 1v1 situations.

if we are talking about 1v1s i really have never ever had a duel where i thought seduce would be better than spellock/devour

i really dont see the need of soulink vs any class other then a rogue, lucky hunter or lucky warrior(lucky as in chain crits) and even then if its a normal duel and no extremely retarded rng then its w/e .

you can outlast every class so easily as affliction soul link isnt need ever.

i rather have way more damage ,a 70 heal every 3 seconds which basically makes up for soulink vs most classes... only thing sl does for 1v1s vs most classes is make the duel last longer when theres no need.

do you really need soulink vs most classes 1v1? ;/

i guess its preference or something... do you want a duel to last longer as soulink when theres no need or just stay affliction and end a duel much quicker ~_~

w/e idk why im arguing because locks are op as hell 1v1 at 39 regardless of pet, spec or anything

as long as u beat people that dont suck and ur having fun :p
blue said:
if we are talking about 1v1s i really have never ever had a duel where i thought seduce would be better than spellock/devour

if you're 1v1ing a rogue, how can you spellock and devour it?

rogues are possibly the most annoying class at 39s when they burn all of their CDs, and not only that they are usually the bane of a warlock (including SL locks). having instant seduce against a rogue is a really huge bonus.

also, if you're in WSG with your succubus, and you're dotting people and killing them etc etc... and then some other toon comes up from nowhere and starts to really bother you, just instant seduce it. you don't need to dot it up or anything. the succubus is very useful for WSG situations when you have the numbers stacked against you.
I play a hybrid soul link lock [char=Frostmane]Worldofpain[/char]

I have tried full demo and it is horrendous, at this level the slight damage reduction you get doesnt outweigh the dps decrease. I always have my fel hunter out and with master demonoligist its a decrease in spell damage, I laugh at most casters minus locks with 360+ shadow damage. The hardest fight for an sl lock is prolly a glass cannon siphon life lock, they can do so much healing the 20% damage mitigation really does nothing, only way you can beat a glass cannon lock as soul link is to simply outlast them and run them oom. Soul Link+stam gear makes you a freakin tank, I really dont have a problem 2v1'ing people anymore, its got to the point where I'm really not impressed when it happens.

My game play on my lock is like a mage with a shit ton of survivability, i dont just tab dot and watch things crumble, I pick a target, get immolate/coa/corruption on it and rotate fear with shadowbolts and when they get low searing pain spam. It is not a spec that you can just put 3 dots on a target and kill them, it actually took me awhile to adapt to not having a massive amount of shadow damage.

The only problem with a soul link lock is they aren't very practical in premades, a well balanced siphon life lock will out perform the SL lock, playing in a 10v10 without Coex is brutal.

Overall though my lock is one of the very few stam/soul link locks out there if you want to get an idea of the gear/spec.
Wait what? A spell damage warlock is our most difficult fight? Uhhhhhhhh...

Pure glass cannon warlocks have such pathetic health and mana pools that after their initial 15-20 second onslaught, they're completely OOM.

Sorry but a "Glass cannon siphon life warlock" is not burning through a warlock with 3400 hp, 30% spell damage reduction, an instant 900+ heal, a 1070 lifeblood, and 400+ heals every 8 seconds.

You let them blow their load in the opening seconds, then simply dominate. It is far and away one of our easiest fights.
dont think you have fought too many good siphon life locks, its extremely easy for them to outheal your damage, granted having lifeblood as a lock is always nice, but any decent lock is only gonna let you have coa up on them and devour off corruption, with a full demo build you would have a hard time out damaging shadow ward lol.

i dunno i personally cant play an outlast spec w/o grim reach or fel conc, not to mention nightmare is amazing
Demo warlocks are still viable after 3.1 and are one of the few classes/specs that can handle the new and improved excodins.
useabandage said:
dont think you have fought too many good siphon life locks, its extremely easy for them to outheal your damage, granted having lifeblood as a lock is always nice, but any decent lock is only gonna let you have coa up on them and devour off corruption, with a full demo build you would have a hard time out damaging shadow ward lol.

i dunno i personally cant play an outlast spec w/o grim reach or fel conc, not to mention nightmare is amazing

Its good to see another bostonian!

Furthermore, I don't use drain life to kill affliction warlocks. Nor do I throw corruption on them to give them a felhunter heal. My main weapon against affliction warlocks is drain mana.
I realize that much of this is directed at Arena play. But dottss there seem to be some serious issues about functionality in bgs with that spec. To be fair you were running flags okay and I realize that the teams in some of the recent games ive seen you in have been not super even (one way or another)

Im curious as to your opinion in that regard; do you think demo is viable in bgs and even if viable where do you rank its bg effectivness in comparison to other lock specs at 39? As an SL lock what do you feel your role is while in a wsg, since we know sl isnt as good here, where do you think you can contribute most? (AB is meh, an sl lock seems OP at defending a node there ;p ) Its really too bad 39s cant get dual spec, heh.
Dottss said:
Its good to see another bostonian!

Furthermore, I don't use drain life to kill affliction warlocks. Nor do I throw corruption on them to give them a felhunter heal. My main weapon against affliction warlocks is drain mana.

Have you converted from a 0/30/0 build to something like x/xx/8 for Molten Core which provides damage reduction no matter which pet you have out (31% reduction with Succubus out is sweet!)? Also I've gone Soul Link and Felhunter glyph - I agree a ~400 heal every 8 seconds outdoes an extra 300 on Healthstone :)

We are the anti-exopala class! :p


P.S. Drain mana counts as a spell effect and can be devoured (and thus heal them).
Xailter said:
Have you converted from a 0/30/0 build to something like x/xx/8 for Molten Core which provides damage reduction no matter which pet you have out (31% reduction with Succubus out is sweet!)? Also I've gone Soul Link and Felhunter glyph - I agree a ~400 heal every 8 seconds outdoes an extra 300 on Healthstone :)

We are the anti-exopala class! :p


P.S. Drain mana counts as a spell effect and can be devoured (and thus heal them).

Haha, yes I understand that. However, its a moot point. Affliction warlocks have a pathetic mana pool for the most part and it is drained fairly quickly.

And no I haven't changed specs. Since I mostly compete in arena, I know I'll always have the appropriate pet out. Have you tried it out yet?
Lock in training here.

Ive been playing around with various hybrid specs all based around a core demo (to SL/demonic aegis) build. Currently Im running 3/13/13 whick is hit/SL/shadowburn. Laugh if you want but its extreemly effective in pug BGs, the shadowburn after shadowbolt really surprises people. And its very very survivable with the SL glyph + moltem armor (31% reduction after armor).

Even if a full demo build isnt for everyone the hybrid build with SL and demon aegis (dont forget the extra stam in there), provides a really good core for either an affliction or destro hybrid.

Thanks Dottss for your post getting me to look into this. I never really 'got' a pure affliction spec (though i only came in at 3.1 and im still low on SP).

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