if you where not crying about how OP you think a ret is and trying to put them in the same basket as BM/Feral/Enh Sham.. then we may listen to you and your " Lot more experience when it comes to paladins ".
you have made a post showing that you know nothing about them or at least very little.
as for this "XP" you have what are your toons in the 29?
A. easy to drop w/o bubble and loh which have quite a fair CD imo
B. they need crusader proc to rip your face off too bad
C. they can cast about 4 heals consecutively before ooming
putem in ur sig it makes u look kewler and stuff when u post. Be sure to link an achivement too, one that takes months or years of work, to show how truly leet of a person u r too.
Ret is really good at 29, it provides amazing utility to it's team. Is it overpowered, on the tier of BM's/Feral's? That would be debatable, if it wasn't for the 5k hits a Feral can dish out.