Hey Cobba, fair go there m8Not as bad as Oceanic realms with the "U wot m8" "u mirin" and in general moronic demeanor.
Because is full of rashans!
Not everybody hates me! I like myself! Its still 1 person who dont hate me.And you wonder why everybody hates you Kaloyan.
Im from the same shitty slavianic country with Czar (even there was a czar with my nameIT isnt just cuz them.. Toxic ppl are everywhere, no matter what country, language or game
Also dont blame JUST these poor guys from totality state under Czari also dont like them, especialy have them as enemy..
D!cks, trolls and salt miners are spice and testing your asertivity
I don't think you've ever said anything that made me not shake my headBecause is full of rashans! Blizz must make an asian realm and transfer all the blyats and cykas in there! Dont transfer just the rashans with cyrillic names but also track down all latin-named rashans by IP! Put the putinoids under quarantine and dont let them cross-realm/cross-queue with europeans! Then we shall have peace!
Does you hear a "ding" sound when you shaking you head? Is there something inside to hit your skull walls or its empty?I don't think you've ever said anything that made me not shake my head
https://www.aa.com.tr/en/asia-pacific/muslim-community-in-russia-25-million-strong/1081608Lmao russians are not even slavic in the first place. More like disgusting mongol slavic finno ugric Turkic Germanic and god knows what else mutts.(kind of like the le 56% face amerimutt but of Eastern Europe ). To relate Russians to pure Slavs is literally blasphemy. What's even worse and scarier is the fact that russians also breed like rabbits and seek to turn others into mutts in countries that are close and around russia(and partially they have succeeded quite well)
You are rightRassia is the country with most turks/muslims in the world. 25 millions of them! Thats 20% of the Rasha`s population. And still growing...
[doublepost=1536922223][/doublepost]The name of the thread should be "Why RU so toxic?" ;]
Keep it upEU Stormscale Horde are not Russian and the worst griefers I have came across in the bracket. They GY camp levellers every time they get the opportunity and are the worst culprits for flaming with emotes.
The pussies will quit when about to lose though. Some even quit before they are about to die. I have seen this too many times for it to be in exceptional cases. Rarely do they queue alone but I enjoy making them rage-quit when I can
The Russian horde teams I've played are organised and solid. I enjoy playing against them because I know it will be no walk over. EU Stormscale horde on the other hand suck the enjoyment out of games by either camping or quitting, they can't seem to play without doing either.
Keep it up
Stormscale horde is mostly inbredsThey must be farming for achievements in Battle for Gilneas as I keep meeting them in there while queuing for random bgs. I've seen them quit before the bg even starts if alliance have a premade in the team. I've seen them quit as soon as they are pushed back from WW. In fact they only stay if they can steamroll the GY against teams of levelers, which I have had the misfortune of joining alone several times to be killed within seconds at the spawn point. Classy play style.