Why dont people spec improved MS?

I would first like to say that today is my first time on the Forums. It was nice after looking to find a active Forum for twinks. I currenty have a 49 Hunter Twink and im lvling a arms war also for the 49 bracket. After researching specs, i was curious on why people do not spec in improved MS.

Improved Hamstring, Trauma, or 2h wep spec is generally considered better than 2 points in imp MS - especially since the Juggernaut changes. And unrelenting assault and juggernaut are too good to pass up on.
Zuzaku said:
I would first like to say that today is my first time on the Forums. It was nice after looking to find a active Forum for twinks. I currenty have a 49 Hunter Twink and im lvling a arms war also for the 49 bracket. After researching specs, i was curious on why people do not spec in improved MS.


its just a complete waste of talent pts. use my spec or some varient and you'll be golden (38/2/0)

trust me its not worth the 3pts for a 10% damage increase of the MS talent (the amount of weapon damage +X times .1 you do, not 10% more of that 1k+ crit you'll be doing) and a minor 1sec reduction of the CD.

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