Why do YOU play at 19?

Well theres a few reasons, and I would have to say the #1 reason is because I absolutely hate leveling. LOL :p

Number two, is that, the 19 bracket there is a lot of diversity, more guildies, more twinks, just a bigger community imo :]

I also love 39s tho :D
"Well theres a few reasons, and I would have to say the #1 reason is because I absolutely hate leveling. LOL :p

Number two, is that, the 19 bracket there is a lot of diversity, more guildies, more twinks, just a bigger community imo :]

I also love 39s tho "

I find that a majority of 19s share the same reasons as you Twinky. They hate leveling and love the large, but not too large community. I wouldnt venture to say that there is a lot of diversity though... 60% Hunter, 30% Rogue, 10% PUG.
I like 19's because of the slow pace of the game. grouping and timing are required to be sucessful, but theres still room for solo players to shine when they're at the right place at the right time.
Leveling is boring and the population of 19 twinks is big.
Imo lvl 19 pracket is the best. have tried 29, not so much fun, 39, too long queue times :p

reasons, i got friends all around from EU realms, Misery, Horde/alliances, Rampage, and some ppl from Cyclone as well etc etc. so loads of friends at 19.

Fishing hat, shadowfang, assassin's blade, they way how cool lvl 19's look like, more premades than 29, (used to be fishing boots as well, R.I.P) and and thats pretyt much it.
im almost bent on leaving the 19 bracket because of its FREAKING HUNTARD PWNAGE. then again, the 29 and 39 brackets are dominated by pallies imo, so those wont be fun. lvl 60 twinks seem really fun and AV is just great.

so why do i play 19? im not sure. as twinkytoes, i hate leveling. 19 is pretty easy to do, considering all the guides and there arent many choices to go with. the cheapest i think too.
1. i hate lvl-ing :D

2.80 pvp sucks because its unbalanced :D

3.There are many ppl that play 19 and that makes it alot more fun :D
Broken Bracket is broken.

PvE is why I play 19. And arenas are okay.
lol thirk :p I play 19's because I enjoy it, fun playing a class with very few abilities. and it's a larger community than most others, I've never done much 39/49 - but I am in the progress of leveling a 39, who knows - maybe it'll replace my 19 :p 29s I don't really like...not sure why, just doesn't really catch my fancy
I play(ed)@19 because that was the first bracket I got to try. Been twinking since the first 1-2 months I played WoW. Every char I leveled was twinked and leveled later on:)
Most effective bracket to twink in, higher brackets don't add much to twinking except for mounts and more BGs. Biggest community and imo the more abilities you have the more people tend to win by spamming buttons, I'm perfectly fine with using only ~10 well-balanced skills instead of 40. No way you can be skilled playing with 40 abilities using 10 fingers...
Epicshot said:
1. i hate lvl-ing :D

2.80 pvp sucks because its unbalanced :D

3.There are many ppl that play 19 and that makes it alot more fun :D

number 2: 80 pvp sucks because its unbalanced... hmm... dont you think the 10-19 bracket is extremely unbalanced too?
mickyhaynes said:
number 2: 80 pvp sucks because its unbalanced... hmm... dont you think the 10-19 bracket is extremely unbalanced too?

Depends on what you find unbalanced - it IS unbalanced if you compare twinks to non-twinks. It isn't when you compare the classes to eachother, hunters aren't that OP imo, people just like to QQ.
hunters CAN be OP, if they have all the right gear, and any hunter that knows how to kite. i play my 19 rogue the most, so thats probably why i think that, cuz i can only kill huntards 50% of the time if its 1v1
bored of 80's arenas, bored of raiding, lots of competition at 19, doing this, then moving to 39 after I kill it at 19.
good points, i probably play for those same reasons. i wish to god that there were more twinks on Illidan, Alliance. Ive tried to start an active twink guild twice. first= fail. second was half raid/half twink guild. GM switched realms=fail. im gonna make a pure 19 guild soon though.
Personally, I like 19 because of all the activity there seems to be here. the 19 bracket tends to have a lot more twinks then any other bracket which= more fun and more competitive.

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