Why do you play 19's?

"blah blah hurrr durrr rog will rely on superior movement and skillz just like in the old days bullcrap"


Wotlk for a month or so! (for a month or so) and then they were fixed. So I don't see the point in QQing hardcore that rogues are terrible and MoP will be terrible and everything is horrible and the world sucks just because Mocha who typically speaks out against the mainstream opinion disagrees with Curley and Slyd.... there's nothing wrong with disagreeing but simply don't be a fool about it
We must not have played the same WotLK expansion because rogue mobility was garbage and their viability suffered from it for the entire expansion until they got step, one minute sprint, and 100% speed in stealth which were all Cata changes. Accepting that rogues will suffer from severe mobility issues due to poor design changes is not bandwagoning a "foolish" mainstream opinion. It's pointing out the obvious.

Telling people to not worry or complain and trust in Blizzard to make things better is downright irresponsible. I wouldn't trust Blizz devs to balance a checkbook let alone a complex game of PvP. Their track record on balance (especially low level balance) should be enough proof that nothing is likely to improve if we keep quiet.

I'm happy that you're so optimistic, but here in reality we have just cause to be worried.
because GY farming is fun.
I don't, and I find a lot of ignorants in the 19s.

.. and I find other brackets more entertaining, especially 10-14.
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I appreciate all the constructive responses.

Why I played 19's...

I loved being able to cap at 19 and not having to worry about leveling all the way to max level and having to continuously gear up to stay with the times. I used to play back in the Retaliation group late Vanilla and during BC, of which I premaded on my rogue for <When in doubt AFK out> on Velen. When the experience to BG's change came, I thought twinking had died (that's what the rumors were...and I believe them -_-), so ever since Wrath was released I played 80's oblivious to the fact that many players had migrated to specific battlegroups in order to keep playing 19's.

I found the close-knit community of 19's to be friendly and warm...within a couple of months of me coming back to WoW from a 1 year break back in wrath, I went from 0 real-ID friends to roughly 60-70. Many players were very open to me, and a lot of them helped me to improve to who I am today. The first twink I met having come back to WoW was Johneffer in Stormrage. After enlightening me on the fact that twinking was still alive, I proceeded to join Johneffer and Healsonyou's guild, Based Martians (this was when I made Sneaky).

I played my rogue for several months on Stormrage. Many of the twinks in BM went inactive and some how I ended up becoming friends with Mass, Fanatic, Laurasia, Griggzi, and Brown from LS. After a couple of weeks of queuing with them and continuous prodding to join <Lethal Synergy>, I eventually transferred to Elune seeing as Based Martians had died off with both Johneffer and Healsonyou inactive from 19's. At this point I was still somewhat lost but with the help of my rogue friends (Mass, Fanatic, Tonks, Trilium, Zeiren and Curley), I became better and better. I appreciated LS alot...we were very close to the point that we were practically a family. Despite all that everyone had to say about us (yes, I know we were/are pretty lost in WSG) we had fun and we progressed together.

Things moved on...I bought my first Shadowfang from Healstrong, acquired another one but decided to give it to Mass as a gift on a special occasion (this became his second). After that I made my hunter Sneakier and started premading on him, I got my second Shadowfang, etc. etc. Even until then I remained loyal to the Alliance (though I regret never being able to help Horde in their times of need) and I remained loyal as well to my never /AFK rule.

I kept on playing 19's to improve as a player, to be with the many close friends I had acquired, and of course, to slay the Horde.
Nice post, Sneaky! :) I enjoy 19s for a lot of the same reasons you do. I liked being able to enjoy the pvp aspect of the game without having to get to level cap and having to re-gear constantly. I enjoy the competitive games. I like being able to play in a bracket that gets games every day. I like having fun and progressing with the guild, as well as having fun grouping with other friends outside the guild. There are a lot of nice people in this community, even though it doesn't always seem like it.
Haha, ive decided that since i dont play too much anymore ill take some time to write a short story of how Tonks became who she is. Ive kinda tried to avoid these threads as when the point that i actually quit it can go down in history :)

I started playing this game when my dad bought the game with the media hype of BC coming out. At the time i was.. 10 years old and was f-ing amazing at Halo 2 and i played a little runescape. I still have my RS toon- level 86 i think.

Anyway, my dad had been playing Morowwind and i would watch him play. Once he beat it he rolled a mage (currently my main, he doesnt play much anymore as i have a 3 yr old sister and he works etc etc) and i rolled a hunter. The hunter is now level 29, i twinked it there, but it was boring and stuff so i rolled a lock, leveled it to max. During this time i played the mage a decent amount and my dad did as well, it quickly became max level, all reps exalted, and my dad joined a decent raiding guild.

I had been playing the mage in pvp (my dad doesnt pvp) and knew the rotations for the mage pretty well, so when my dad called me and told me to raid for him i got home from football practice and logged on, ready to raid. I told my raid in vent i would need an explination of the fights, as i had never done them before (it was SSC). So i just did my thing, and the members of the raid were suprised that an 11 year old, with no exp of the fights, could do so well in a raid environment. Idk how well i did, but when we did progression fights, they would ask my dad to pull me in for the fights. This would continue for a little while where my dad would raid Tues/wed/thurs and then monday (last progression night) i would go in. I quickly moved myself from being a decent raider to one of the best players on the server, and thus joined a new guild. After a few more months, the 12 year old mage was the best dps on nazgrel.

How does this relate to Tonks you ask? Well, i got known pretty well on my server as the 12 yr old PvE hero and started to do premades on my mage. I pvp'd arcane. Sure, you see frost mages. I INVENTED the pvp arcane mage. I mean it isnt too viable atm, but i got to 2300 MMR season 1 of RBGs playing arcane. But the thing about bgs was like, you get on your mount and run over to the flag carrier real quick. i thought mounts ruined bgs completely and i also didnt like how there would be classes that just countered you in BC. it wasnt the most balenced.

I have always had a good amount of gold in this game, idk why or how, but once i got my epic mount i just had cash to spend. (50k during BC) and i saw a low level toon, decked out, and was like you know i havnt played a rogue before and ill try it out.

Tonkks was made! I leveled my toon to 19, and the 12 year old mage bought the best of the best- that included 2 shadowfangs for a bankrolling 250g each and an assassins blade for 200g back in 2007. I dueled in goldshire for a living. WSGs lasting 6 hours would be my sundays. I was not the most skilled rogue, but practice and practice earned me top twink on my server, and eventually the battlegroup after a few years. Eventually i came upon twinkinfo and came into contact with Curley and a few other old schoolers who could talk roags for a while. worked my way up. Patch after patch, re gearing here and there to stay BiS played objectively and had control of most bgs. When the motion to go to ruin was there, i quit for a little while, before being recruited to Prodigy, and then Giddyup Painaid. Had a decent career there, premaded here and there, was on vacation for GuP vs WT and the guild fell apart. Xfered back to my home server to wait it out after solo queueing for a while.

Now here we are, Tônks, one of the better rogues in the bracket. Would do anything to help out other rogues, and eventually, and i mean eventually, pass on the torch.

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