Why can't Blizzard fix Seething Shore?


I hear it's not strictly a 20's bracket problem but is universal to everything but endgame. We all know the problem. You're queued for an hour and a half and Seething Shores pops and it's one side with 9 and the other side with five or fewer. It's clear for whatever reason Blizzard doesn't care about fixing this because it's a non-endgame problem. But, when the sides are even, whether 5v5 or 10v10 it's a really good BG and as Mathias says when you're standing on the ship it's a Rogue's BG so of course I'm gonna love it. I don't know what speech the Horde hear in that BG. Probably Thrall saying "Rogues, go out there and be thieving assholes, FOR THE HORDE!"

I just love how the strategy changes in a 5v5 compared to a 8v8, so it's clearly not a size of the queue that's the problem it's the lop sided BGs. I know Blizz uses that BG as the queue dump when the numbers get low and they just want to get players into a BG but please! PLEASE! Can't you at least not allow lopsided BGs. Hell, I'd love to see what the strategy becomes in a 2v2 match. It would be like a weird arena battle. And then if you want to get the left over people in the queue into the game and are feeling ambitious you could have a mechanic where if one side is clearly stomping the other side and they have people in the queue then they get an extra player. Like, let's say if the other team is ahead by 400 points your team gets a random player from your faction's queue. That way you keep the BG from becoming too one sided and can still have queues popping every 15 minutes even when there are not many people playing the game at that time in that bracket.

Like seriously, lopsided Seething Shore sucks for everyone. Even when you win it's a completely hollow victory when you were 9v5 and they didn't get their 5th player until seconds before the game was about to terminate and may the old gods bless you 5th player on the other side who didn't just look at things and go "fuck this shit" and rage quit. Fifth players, you may be about to get your ass whooped but damned if you don't have the heart of a warrior. The Pook salutes you, you glorious bastards! Yeah because that's the extra kick in the nuts with Seething Shore. You've been queued for over an hour and when it pops one side either rage quits to fewer than 5 or never breaks 4 in the queue and then the game auto quits wasting absolutely everyone's time. But you know what. I would love to see what the dynamics of a 4v4 Seething shore would be. I would love to see the dynamics of a 2v2 seething shore. Hell! I would queue all night just to play Seething Shore one Horde Daddy Twink vs one mediocre geared Pook Baby Twink if that was the only way Blizzard could get random BG queues to pop every 15 minutes.

And seriously Blizzard what the hell are you thinking with the Trial-Account? I know, the purpose of the Trial-Account is not to let people play WoW for free but to let them just try the game out so they can see if they find it something they'd want to spend $15 a month on. I get that you don't want it to become a place where people get comfy and you're hoping that if you gimp the Trial-Account so hard it absolutely sucks people will pay you money to make it suck a little less. Yeah I can't see that happening for most people. Sure there would be some who think, "eh, maybe it gets better if I give them money" but I think most people would just play the trial and go "this game sucks" and move on.

I can't help but feel that Blizzard is so hung up on getting the $15 a month that they've forgotten World of Warcraft is a freaking franchise and that the economy of the future is attention and the more attention your franchise is able to recieve the more successful your business will be in an attention fuelled economy. I can't help but be a little perplexed that nobody at Blizzard has figured out they'd do better as a franchise if they had the same number of players the game had during its peak in WotLK even if they still only had the same number of players playing as subscibed players as they do currently.

If the Blizzard Wizard appeared before me right now I'd probably tell them "Just to let you know, the Pook's not here because you haven't made the game crappy enough to make me want to pay for it. The Pook is here because my neurology is gnomish and after having played this game since Vanilla and only unsubbing halfway through Shadowlands discovering the absolutely sublime horror that is Azeroth from the perspective of a level 20 immortal nobody has got my attention. I've gone from being the Champion of Azeroth who has slaughtered titans to being who the fuck cares, you're level 20. Any amount of suckage you throw at me just gets rolled into this new experience. I mean, I'd been subbed since before TBC, I was well aware of the ways the game sucked but I played it anyways. Free to Play is just a whole other level of suckage and I'm absolutely thrilled studying the ways in which the suckage is different than it was in the land of Endgame. So until I'm no longer interested in studying the game from this perspective then any suckage you throw at me just becomes more data in the suck folder. I'm not leaving until your game bores me and the only reason I'm still here is because my nuerology is atypical and when something gets my attention and I feel I can learn more about it I don't become bored of it easily. But if I didn't have that weird neurology and I was looking to give WoW a spin I wouldn't think "I bet this completely shitty game becomes an anthropological study combined with a very immersive RP system to explore.".

I think that the nuerotypicals taking the "trial" would probably queue for a BG to see what the PvP is like and begin to wonder where everybody is. Surely if people play this game they'd be levelling up alts so BGs should pop at every level. Why have I been in a queue for over an hour now? I guess nobody plays this game. And if they do get into a BG oooh boy, the odds are they're in for some of the absolutely-bonkers, most chaotic PvP action they've ever experienced. Now some people they do indeed have the neurology to find that level of chaos entertaining. But, most people don't. They're just going to say "this game sucks" and move on.

But yeah, bring on your suck Blizzard Wizard. I'm immortal and level 20 and my neurology is gnome. You're stuck with me until I'm bored.

Anyway, the gummy has kicked in so I'll have a Tripple Baconator, large fries and a large Frosty. Thanks."
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It isn’t that Blissard can’t fix it, it’s that Blissard won’t fix it. There aren’t enough people complaining about it for them to take a look at the issue at hand

Now should they fix it? I would say yes, based off the principle of “You should fix the issues in your game” which might be unheard of. This is an issue, thus it should be fixed.
I don't know what speech the Horde hear in that BG. Probably Thrall saying "Rogues, go out there and be thieving assholes, FOR THE HORDE!"
Nathanos Blightcaller says: "Let me have a look at you. Hm, pathetic. Why aren't there any dark rangers in your ranks? Well, you will have to do."
at the start of SL prepatch, this BG was like the only one popping. it involved serious mismatches that went in cycles for both factions. it was near impossible to rare to get at least a full player each side match.

people have complained about issues like this in the past even before this BG was added. blizzard scape goats and claims the BG is matched even, but some players do not take the que. i find this hard to believe when a 10 vs 10 BG starts 7 vs 2 or something similar.
I gotta say, it is really neat when you get a BG that's 8 F2Ps against 4 F2Ps and 1 Twink. They can be surprisingly close!
I love you pookie <3 you were so perfect in my guilds discord! Stop by and don’t be a stranger anymore!

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