Why aren't there more 74 rogues?

Booha said:
74 = lower stats

basicly same gear maybe BoA weapons ( archeo )

and engi head but hf with that


74 can do rena if ur from lvl 70 in a team but that's just sad QQ

70 = more epic cuz it's 70

70 > 74

74 can do rena if ur from lvl 70 in a team but that's just sad QQ

Everyone agrees. GTFO ---->
haha. Skillz>Gear

bankbeauty said:
haha. Skillz>Gear


Bank...I like you, and hope you enjoy continued success.

However, I am going to prove that Gear > Skill.......I am going to play 2v2 with my 12 year old son as my partner, and using nothing more than the tools the game provides for me, beat out good players.

2 Rogues with Nifflevars being dual weilded, both of us with Tazziks, lvl 72 engineering helms, one Sub, one Combat.........you heard it here first :)

He, nor I, have ever stepped into the arena.

Nifflegar said:
Bank...I like you, and hope you enjoy continued success.

However, I am going to prove that Gear > Skill.......I am going to play 2v2 with my 12 year old son as my partner, and using nothing more than the tools the game provides for me, beat out good players.

2 Rogues with Nifflevars being dual weilded, both of us with Tazziks, lvl 72 engineering helms, one Sub, one Combat.........you heard it here first :)

He, nor I, have ever stepped into the arena.


A lil'funnyz that you say yourself that you ain't skilled.. but mah haha

Maybe the setup won't hold until 2,2k.

Maybe rogue/enh shammy combo would work better, I dunno
bankbeauty said:
A lil'funnyz that you say yourself that you ain't skilled.. but mah haha

Maybe the setup won't hold until 2,2k.

Maybe rogue/enh shammy combo would work better, I dunno

Let me be very clear.....I am saying I have NO skill. I am a keyboard turning, clicking old guy who is going to play arena with a 12 year old partner.

You are missing my point...the point is that even with all those factors considered, the game is so poorly designed with so many loop-holes that I will still be extremely successful.

In addition, I am going to exploit the MMR system exactly like people do at 85, and then I am going to get 2200 in 3s at lvl 70, then during the same season level to 85 and buy T2 Ruthless Glad weapons because the system allows it...cool huh?
Nifflegar said:
Let me be very clear.....I am saying I have NO skill. I am a keyboard turning, clicking old guy who is going to play arena with a 12 year old partner.

You are missing my point...the point is that even with all those factors considered, the game is so poorly designed with so many loop-holes that I will still be extremely successful.

In addition, I am going to exploit the MMR system exactly like people do at 85, and then I am going to get 2200 in 3s at lvl 70, then during the same season level to 85 and buy T2 Ruthless Glad weapons because the system allows it...cool huh?

I hope you don't use that language that you use on the internet around your son :[

GL with 2.2k, what is your toons name I want to know who to /giggle at when I see you!
what language, ass?

if a 12 year old cant handle swear words he should be smothered. i knew every word in the book, and some that werent, by the time i was in second grade....man up
I haven't gotten a ton of flak about being a lv 72 DK with double Nif axes. Honestly I don't feel it's an enormous advantage. Sure I hit really hard, but with paladin and mage's spell scaling I feel that my gear advantages keep me competitive.

Do I two shot ungemmed weaklings? Yep. From what I understand this is twinking and that is getting any kind of applicable advantage. When the opposite team has heals (alliance is often short on them) two handed death knights, prot paladins, and mages out total damage me.

Btw I agree with Falkor. An enhancement shaman/rogue would be a better comp than double rogue. Having someone that can help reset the fight with honest heals, the buffs he'll give the rogue, plus the nice damage he'll do would make it worth it.

Edit: I don't know if you saying you're a keyboard turner was an attempt to troll but seriously, put in the work to get better. Gear advantage isn't everything, take this from someone who is still learning his DK, plays with lag, and is usually in pugs full of meat heads:

Sometimes it's my mouseturning fully keybound playstyle that wins games, my situation awareness, not my gear.
Falkor said:
what language, ass?

if a 12 year old cant handle swear words he should be smothered. i knew every word in the book, and some that werent, by the time i was in second grade....man up

wasn't referring to you, but was just saying no need to swear around a child, let alone your own. And throwing insults around on the itnerwebs won't help you "man up"
Pogibija said:
wasn't referring to you, but was just saying no need to swear around a child, let alone your own. And throwing insults around on the itnerwebs won't help you "man up"

no im just saying where did nifflegar use excessive language? the only "swear" i saw him use was ass...if a 12 year old cant handle that, then idk

and throwing them around the internet doesnt make you a man by any means. but being able to hear/see them without being offended, and use them in correct company and context (not just spouting them all the time) is a crucial step in growing up imo. so might as well be exposed to them in a setting such as with your father than hearing them all at school from friends and not being taught the proper context. ex when i heard them all growing up my father made it very clear that they're just words but you have to be careful who you use them around and when you use them (i.e not around mom). just part of growin up
I personally think that people have most likely rolled this, it's so easy it gets boring and they give up and get bored.

But then again... 70 rogues are easy enough to play already.

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