Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alliance

Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

Okay I've wondered the same thing.

The que times for my Alliance twinks are like 9-12 minutes. The Horde times are >2 minutes. I try, really I do, try and play Horde more. Being one of the few semi-geared disc priests I see I like to think I can make a difference. I rarely do.

AV I might as well quit out the second I see the load screen on my Horde. The amount of rogues back capping ensure a loss 90%+ of the time and I'm frequently 1 of 2-3 tops that try and cap bunkers. WSG is a steamroll by one side or the other. EOTS, forget it. Horde are hopeless. AB/SOTA are pretty competitive most games I'm in.

Why they're so bad at 70 most times I really don't know. It's not that way, I only know by reputation, at 80. I know leveling up that Alliance is generally a joke. However F2P and 70's it's a different story.

I can tell you that part of it is gear and dedication to characters. Inspecting characters on both sides before BG's I can tell you on the whole Alliance players put forth a lot more time and effort into them. Do we really need to point out just how many more Alliance rogues have glaives? **Insert glaives are not BIS comment here** Arguments aside on BIS gear as a whole as someone that plays both sides I believe Horde are far worse off than people imagine.
Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

these are my reasons for going horde lol:

nelf is fit, oh wait im horde. went back to carry hordes but jk, tauren is shit. also went back horde to give my main some gold/items and shit, and to play with some other friends I have at the hordeside

and conqueror>justicar any day, battle tabard of the defilers looks wicked as horde, hm.. i like to play with hypercranks, but got so many ppl up my ass so its kinda hard to stay alive

I've been horde for about 2 hours, and I already regret it cus hordes are complete dogshit in bg's (trying to get free faction back)

reasons why I played, and want to play alliance: people say I rely too much on shadowmeld, maybe I do. I don't care, its a wicked good CD if used right so I prefer playing night elf over any race. oye, and nelfs are fit. taurens are so big, so I easily get targeted and no, I don't want to play troll because then I have no CD to get away from people in BG's and since BG's are the only thing I do atm, I'd rather play tauren if I was horde. and alliance wins more BG's atm, and I find it more fun to win than to lose

and to answer you ryan aka hypercranks. people go alliance cus they are obsessed with getting tazik or synapse as gnome AND/OR because alliance are dominating BG's atm. or people who roll human for doubletrinket
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Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

Incorrect since im horde.
Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

Ye, that feeling when you're a real hero running around doing everything and your team thinks they're pro ganking 2 ppl at stables over and over....
Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

there no decent horde guild...one that takes it seriously thats why
Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

these are my reasons for going horde lol:

nelf is fit, oh wait im horde. went back to carry hordes but jk, tauren is shit. also went back horde to give my main some gold/items and shit, and to play with some other friends I have at the hordeside

and conqueror>justicar any day, battle tabard of the defilers looks wicked as horde, hm.. i like to play with hypercranks, but got so many ppl up my ass so its kinda hard to stay alive

I've been horde for about 2 hours, and I already regret it cus hordes are complete dogshit in bg's (trying to get free faction back)

reasons why I played, and want to play alliance: people say I rely too much on shadowmeld, maybe I do. I don't care, its a wicked good CD if used right so I prefer playing night elf over any race. oye, and nelfs are fit. taurens are so big, so I easily get targeted and no, I don't want to play troll because then I have no CD to get away from people in BG's and since BG's are the only thing I do atm, I'd rather play tauren if I was horde. and alliance wins more BG's atm, and I find it more fun to win than to lose

and to answer you ryan aka hypercranks. people go alliance cus they are obsessed with getting tazik or synapse as gnome AND/OR because alliance are dominating BG's atm. or people who roll human for doubletrinket

ur horde? :S
Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

Hope to see You in some bgs then Bobx :)

And shit i've thinking about rolling ally a long time just cause of Battlemaster and Nelf

P.S IF you check my Warrior, Tauren female is hot! :) AGREED!

Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

playing horde for 7 years cuz of my friends were playing horde when i just started.
dont see any good reason to go alli.
Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

I've always played horde and even tho I love night elf female, i kinda dislike every other alliance race.

And tbh, unless you get unlucky but I win more bgs then I lose, i don't play that many tho.
Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

marry me hyper
Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

It's probably awful the last week or two as I have been doing my assignments. Don't worry horde, I'm finished on thursday for my first year.
Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

My druid was already alliance as nelf > all but my priest will be staying horde :)
Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

Thinking all new twink's will roll horde, As being the bad guys in a game is always so much better :)
Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

Juggled between Horde and Alliance quite a bit over the years with my rogue, double trinket is always nice on human but often do miss undead stabbing <3. Queue times used to be a massive put off for me as alliance but I vary rarely queue on my own these days so tend to get longer queues anyway.

Horde's big fail at the moment is the stupid germans always queuing premades but generally being shit :D

Can't wait to find Jicz in a bg though, PvE rogs get that fucking druid! (Jk cy@alliance again in a min)

Also Ryan, guess it's time to come ally dude

Re: Why are horde so awfull in bgs? and whats the big deal with everyone rolling alli

Im alliance for one reason, to kill Hypercranks.

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