truBms that can locate the guard button on their action bar
Sowy m829 rogues who pop speed pot after sprint zzz
Yo do I still have u on btag if not add me byebyewifi#1531Recluse is like r1 efc killer he actually knows how to play rogue rather than half the rogues in the bracket, thotfc is a bit of a challenge if your not a fast moving class to chase him and his jumps, the good mages who won't let you touch them, and 29 enhance shams
I won't be on wow until in maybe June but I'll get your btag thenYo do I still have u on btag if not add me byebyewifi#1531
Your not a FC...As a holy pally FC I hated playing against hunters... spider pet + spamming concussive shot is enough to make me hate you.
Brews are annoying too though obviously.