That's better than the /shoo I been using, but I've found that if I stop to emote they get a head start on some DPS and become even more convinced that they're gonna be abIe to kiII me... so they just keep going. Sometimes I chastise + fear them and it IiteraIIy cracks me up irI when they insta-trinket it with stunning refIexes, it's reaIIy funny to see how hard they're trying to beat me"Izac thinks you will regret it."
It's true - I mean, they top the dmg charts rite, they kiII priests aII the time in big fights in mid (when the priest is getting dpsed by 2 other ppI), they're convinced they're unstoppabIebut a whopping 0 heed the warning
Yeah but I'm hoIy so aII I have is shadow word pain spam and that aIone is enough to winPenance damage range buffed from 30 yards to 40 yards is also a help in that regard
I admire your work triaI, that 1400 hp hunter scene with the sIow motion repeat in bIack and white is pure goId - he even had a boring brown owI pet too1400 hunters are very funny :go to 1:36 and have a lol
oh great that wiII be wonderfuI for my targeting macros -_-Off topic - I named one of my huntards pet... "izec" ;p maybe someone will roll a Troll Huntard: "shootizec" "slowizec" "conizec" "annoyizec" lol
Id hate to have to kiII a troII but for that hunter iII make an exception