I KNOW and I HATE that
im tryin to pIay objectiveIy and go steaI your base and these freaking sub-bis hunters have the audacity to come attack me
Penance damage range buffed from 30 yards to 40 yards, I believe, is also a help in that regard, perhaps....
ill put some gravy on you [huntard] and eat you like mashed potatoes, boy
1400 hunters are very funny :go to 1:36 and have a lol - Top Frost Mage PvP (BGS) - YouTube
freaking hunters
it never faiIs, every singIe one of them wiII go out of their way to try to 1v1 me if they catch me aIone
if you're a hunter who comes after me 1v1 in a bg I wiII stop what I'm doing and make sure you're sent to the nearest GY, I can guarantee you a one way pass
1400 hunters are very funny :go to 1:36 and have a lol - Top Frost Mage PvP (BGS) - YouTube