Who will you go out of your way to kill?


Alright, Let's agree to post how we would speak in the real world; in a civilized manner.

As the title already says, who will you go out of your way to kill? Let's say your in the gulch or basin and you see someone familiar and suddenly you get this hungering urge to kill, who is that person(s)?

Usually, if i'm on my hunter, I'll try to kill most rogues because they are really annoying for me. If i'm in no rush I will usually try to bait and kill rogues, especially Ballmer because he's a very good rogue and generally just too much fun to fight against as a hunter.

PLEASE don't bash anyone, I hate having to report posts :(
i only try to kill those who go out of their way to kill me, if that makes sense. If they are willing to take the time and take a stab at me, they better be prepared for what they got themselves into. I never really go after other players though, only efc and healers really. for some strange reason i feel like i get picked on alot more when im on my mage or lock..... strange isnt it :rolleyes:
I usually go after 24 dps that try to half-ass a twink with 1800 hp, soloing them is so much fun :) that or anyone rolling a 5 man, especially 24s, OR Aerie Peak horde , and when AP horde decides to roll a 5 man, then doubble the fun :mad:
freaking hunters

every hunter thinks they're a freaking super hero

it never faiIs, every singIe one of them wiII go out of their way to try to 1v1 me if they catch me aIone

I reaIIy don't get it, they don't know what they're doing and it makes me indignant

it's Iike a girI scout comin up and sIappin a fuII grown man in the face tryin to start a fight with him

if you're a hunter who comes after me 1v1 in a bg I wiII stop what I'm doing and make sure you're sent to the nearest GY, I can guarantee you a one way pass

besides, I pretty much have to fight them anyway cause of their dumb conc shot spam
I purposely ignore the rest of the BG to kill most TI posters.

Most people seem to have short fuses here. I find it amusing.

Extra whenever I get mentioned in rage threads or screenies lolz
I usually go after 24 dps that try to half-ass a twink with 1800 hp, soloing them is so much fun :) that or anyone rolling a 5 man, especially 24s, OR Aerie Peak horde , and when AP horde decides to roll a 5 man, then doubble the fun :mad:
ur in the f2p scene o_O ? ... nice 19 guide btw . learned some nice stuff for my f2p monk from there.

ummm o ya who do i persueee.

it depends on what spec i am playing . if i am feral i will make it my only objective to kill every other druid i see. if i am balance then i will pick out any holly pally, other druid, priest, or rogue ..... pallys druids and priests cause i have some hidden anger against anyone that atempts to heal like me. rogues i like to 1 shot cause its funny to see them go in for a kill on a 1k hp efc then suddenly get destroyed . i like to let the squishies like locks live unless they are anoying.

now as far as names. i will pick out and kill.
@lil Ginger

i suck at spelling names :(
Everything in my LoS that has a red nameplate dies, simple as that.

But if I'd had to say specifically, it would have to be them pesky rogue's, always sneaking up on me, bleh.
Umm... Dang I was gonna say killing Izac in guru :/ Oh well option #2 is probably any healer that is alone

yeah yeah yeah, izec is not a troII

troII makes aII the difference

but just imagine IiI, imagine you were me - you're a cIassy, weII-dressed, weII-mogged good Iooking troII priest with great hair and you have over 2k hp, and aII these IittIe pesky 1400 hp hunters wanna come dismount and start shooting at you Iike they're hunting rabbits

they never come cIose, they never have any sort of success, but they keep on coming

it gets on your nerves
freaking hunters

every hunter thinks they're a freaking super hero

it never faiIs, every singIe one of them wiII go out of their way to try to 1v1 me if they catch me aIone

I reaIIy don't get it, they don't know what they're doing and it makes me indignant

it's Iike a girI scout comin up and sIappin a fuII grown man in the face tryin to start a fight with him

if you're a hunter who comes after me 1v1 in a bg I wiII stop what I'm doing and make sure you're sent to the nearest GY, I can guarantee you a one way pass

besides, I pretty much have to fight them anyway cause of their dumb conc shot spam

i cant speak on behalf of the rest of the bracket, but i love moments where i have the oppurtunity to 1v1 a healer, if the healer is any decent, ill end up losing or walking away with no health, but ive tied that healer up for a considerable amount of time, keeping them from being with their FC or in mid helping people cross, etc.

OT: Only person I ever truly went out of my way to kill would be Kale.
Mostly just people who I've known to bring the flag to normally unreachable areas of the map.
Graveyard farmers or hunters with +400-500 health and +8 agility more than me on my hunter ... if I die and youre at 100-200 health I WIN, do the math n3rDz
Depends on the toon I'm on.

Prot pal: engage the 24's because I'm probably one of the few who can. And then healers/rogues
Rogue: hunters
Enh Sham: preists>paladins>the rest
Boomkin: healers>spreists
Prot warr: EVERYTHING LOL (or lowest hp thing to proc vic rush if I'm under attack w/ no heals)
but ive tied that healer up for a considerable amount of time, keeping them from being with their FC or in mid helping people cross, etc.

I KNOW and I HATE that

im tryin to pIay objectiveIy and go steaI your base and these freaking sub-bis hunters have the audacity to come attack me - it's not onIy that theyre attacking me, but I can see the gIeam in their eye when they spot me - they suddenIy run faster, take an angIe to try and cut me off, as if they just spotted an easy kiII, Iike im some kid they caught steaIing cookies from the cookie jar and they gonna spank me

then I go huIk mode on them and chip away at their hp with dots whiIe spamming heaIs and bubbIes

it wastes both of our time, both of us end up disappointed and im sick of it

just get out of my Iife hunters, im tired of you

I IiteraIIy start sighing when I see you heading my way to come attack me, I say "GET OUT of here, dang man are you serious??" I have conversations with you as youre attacking me about how much I dont want to fight you right now and aII I picture you saying is "derp derp why is aII my dmg bein asorbed"

im a PRIEST dangit, I have heaIing speIIs

iII put some gravy on you and eat you Iike mashed potatoes, boy

go run up your KB's at my GY with the noobs who don't know how to sneak past you, im trying to get work done

I dont have time for dueIs with you and your boring brown owI that keeps disarming my staff

I dont need my staff dangit, im not gandaIf

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