F2p had healing surge
Having a large number of HKs over a large span of time does not suggest the player is good.im not completely behind mythical or anything, but bro- you have 5k hk's, he has over 60k hk's. he knows what he's doing. also, like any other decent twink- he put time and effort into gearing his twink. isn't that the whole concept of twinking in the first place? and wtf... kicking someone from the g just cuz u thought he would leave...uncool. stop trynna sound like a good 19 if you can't even pull 5k on ur main one.
I got the highest hk/d and KB ratios for a 19 and it's not even close I'm better in solo Q non-gy camping games (with no enchants or gear stats to carry me) than the gy camping 14s of past xpacs when enchants and premades were the normIts not Hks, its killing blows compared to deaths.
but someone with 500 hks and a sick KB ratio isnt as impressive as someone with 50k hks and a sick KB ratio.
Cata server is garbage bc hunters can Q
i come from unreal, and quake backround, arguable the fastest reflex fps that ever existed i grew up on them Kd ratio has a bit to do with it if u take pride in ur skills and wanna get into a good guild. But wow is obviously compeltely different. I dont care about ur healer, and id expect you view the stats a little different regarding a healer vs a dps.Kek...
Killing blows and death ratios are easlily cheated by /afk macros. Just like win/loss ratios ratios are. The only people that worry about them are the ones that have them and need an epeen.
My healers rarely get killing blows. And I really don't care if win or not. Of course I want to win, but I don't get upset if I lose in a video game.
Even my warlock, when I play it, has died tens of thousands of times. Simply because I don't afk out when pressured. Ratios in a video game simply mean nothing to me.
Yeah the only people who worry about ratios must be epeen fanatics according to you lol, what are u like 45 ? id be worried about ur actual peen if i were you.
cheers pussy
Having a large number of HKs over a large span of time does not suggest the player is good.
I dont let random people speak on my name