who is the best 20?

whos the best 20 2016

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phrontistery by a longshot
gotta go with riptides on this one - some other good choices on here as well, only took like 10 shitposts to produce a decent poll i guess

I'd like to see any two best players on this list face me and a non-retarded healer in 2s at max level...

Or 3s..

Or bgs

lmao @ the autists that post on this forum - this is essentially a list of who has wasted the most time in this bracket, do you honestly think anyone gives a fuck about whether or not you think they're good @ endgame? not to mention that like half of this list is either entirely inactive or not subscribed as of the last time i checked

with that said, i know from personal experience that multiple on this list play 2k+ rbgs and i remember from my discussions with some of the others that many had extensive endgame pve experience. most are just simply not interested anymore for a variety of reasons

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