Phrontistery i was making waves u was surfing in 'em Oct 27, 2015 #21 Throwback to Bigdip, Mindy and Lithology - I know Lith was 24 but he's the one who inspired me to play shaman hybrid fc.
Throwback to Bigdip, Mindy and Lithology - I know Lith was 24 but he's the one who inspired me to play shaman hybrid fc.
Riptides Trash Oct 27, 2015 #22 bigdip was fun to play with axias rsham and phrons rsham inspired me to play rsham dropzone was an AB only ele shaman i met that was good
bigdip was fun to play with axias rsham and phrons rsham inspired me to play rsham dropzone was an AB only ele shaman i met that was good