Who is the best 20 Rogue?

whos the best rogue

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rushour > zaronce > ballmer as my all time top 3 for this bracket - all were absolute monsters @ getting returns

honorable mentions to airles + bend + all those female nelf rogues from ap + myself for being too stubborn to respec

i've already laid out my argument involving current rogues - i'm yet to see anyone try harder than recluse (and considering that i don't play, i'm not going to at any point) and in my mind that's a good thing, as playing to the fullest is what wins games


To the vet rogues playing right now...no one is impressed by your ability to ambush FCs for 75% of their health. The class in its current state is disgustingly mindless, even for level 20. No one should feel proud about being considered good in the current meta. :cool:

^^ the above statement goes for basically every class and spec when compared to previous expansions

agreed, although i think part of the issue is that people are still viewing 20s as f2p - they're not. p2p in previous expansions have also been able to 75% someone - or in the case of rogues, 100% someone via ambush on 24s or scaled 20s/21s in MoP. for a while, i was even able to do so on my f2p rogues. vets are now p2p, and the concept of what makes someone "better" is therefore different.

if we're looking at this from a "skill" aspect, then sure - f2p w/o excessive consumables has usually been seen as the most "skilled" playset for this bracket. times have changed though, and obviously, the bracket as a whole is dumbed down - standing out now is based on using a fuckload of consumables in order to global anything, which has always been the p2p goal in the past (remember those 24 rating circlejerks that no one took seriously? think that but for 20s)

so, if we're judging current rogues - whoever can 1 shot shit with the highest efficiency = the best. can't blame people for adapting tbh, although the bracket as a whole is garbage and not worth playing due to these reasons - which is why anyone claiming to be "skilled" in the current environment is laughable. you could even claim the same thing about prior expansions, as the 1 shot factor has always been present if wanted

people need to accept the bracket for what it is and always has been: a total fucking joke, usually mindless but sometimes enjoyable if you're premading. the only difference being that f2p in the past have had the majority and were getting 1 shot'd by p2p with less frequency as a result

edit for current players: but hey, if you enjoy it, play it - powertripping and being able to 1 shot everything in sight can be fun if you have goals in mind, as my prior commitment has shown. or, if you want to challenge yourself and play f2p, go for it - personally i just can't stand it at the moment and the same can be said for most of the people i used to play with. i'd recommend checking my prior posts on the topic if you want (for some reason) an excessively pessimistic view on things
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People trying to make oldschool lists of 20 rogues without mentioning Zerazsa :(

He was #1 f2p WSG rogue in Cata.

I totally didn't forget, but the name was on the tip of my tongue and I failed to recall what it was. At the same time however all of these lists are obviously based off our own experiences and I did not see him/her as much as I wanted to in BGs or arenas.

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